For What It's Worth

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Plot, characters, story - what's more important to you when reading?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. 

It is co-hosted by (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About, Berl's from Because Reading is Better than Real Life  and me) 

Join in by answering this weeks question in the comments or on your own blog.

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Question: What's most important in a book for you: the plot, the characters, or the writing style?

Answer: This is kind of an interesting one for me to answer.

In general, I would say characters. If I don't connect to one, it's all over for me. I just stop caring and glaze over while I'm reading. The plot, while important, is secondary if I love a character(s). I'll follow, even a crap story, to find out what happens to them lol

Now...since I've been reading more in audiobook format, I would say the plot is more important.  When I *hear* the story, it feels more immersive and conversational so I almost automatically feel closer to the characters (whether I like them or not. In fact, I can tolerate deeply flawed characters more with audio) but if the plot isn't going anywhere, I tend to drift off and miss whole chapters. 

It's important for me, with audiobooks, for them to be moving forward in a way that doesn't bother me as much in print. Probably because characters are more important to me in that format. Weird...I know lol

Writing style...TBH, I don't notice it much. Like POV -1st person, 3rd person etc - for example, I'm not even aware unless I stop to think about it. I'm either engrossed in a story or I'm not. I'm sure it matters to me on some level, but it's not something I'm conscious of unless it's overly pretentious.



  1. It interesting how the format affects what matters to you. I think I am always about the characters, but then I will read a book filled with horrible people and a rock solid plot which makes me change my mind.

  2. Sometimes its characters for me, sometimes its plot. Depends on the kind of book I guess. I just finihsed one where the characters were it- the plot was good, another twisty thriller plot, but without those characters it wouldn't have worked?

    POV I usually don't notice either. I've seen people say I only like first person or I only like 3rd, but I don't care.

    1. I was fairly new to reading (other than a few books a year) before blogging and I didn't even know there were such things as 1st person, 3rd person or even tropes lol I just read what I read...I guess I still do that, even though I'm more aware.

  3. Character growth development always! Its why I read romance haha While I love a good plot and all, its the characters that keep me invested in the story ya know? I don't mind POV at all. I read all over the genre so I read all of it. Hope you are well darling! Great post!

    1. I'm the same. I can follow almost anywhere if I love the characters. Audio has been a bit different for me which is weird lol

  4. Yep I agree that I have to at least kind of care about the characters, otherwise even if the story is great, who cares because the characters are trash. I also don't much care about the writing style- unless it is really bad or annoying, I don't tend to notice it either!

    1. I didn't even really understand what pov, genres, tropes were before blogging. I jsut read. I either like it or I don't so...*shrugs* If I love a character though, I must follow to the end to see how they end - no matter how bad the story. But I can't stick with even a good story/writing if I don't care what happens to anyone.

  5. Oh... that's a really good distinction between written word and audiobooks. I would agree that the story needs to keep moving in an audiobook and flaws in writing can stand out more, but characters can fade into the background some.

    1. I was wondering if that was just me lol I find I can read REALLY different styles of books, outside my comfort zone, in audio that I could never read in print. But, oddly, I can't do romance in audio which are usually my favorite.

  6. I really like how you distinguish between audiobooks and physical books. I agree that characters are the end all be all for me enjoying a book. Audiobooks do require a driving plot though. Otherwise I find my mind wandering.

    1. Yes, audiobooks have been so illuminating! I can read different genres with them and handle different types of characters. I still prefer character over everything but with audio, it's almost like a shortcut - with the voices - I can hear, therefore *Know* the characters almost instantly.
      But if the plot is weak...I just drift right off.

  7. Replies
    1. I can read the worst books if I love the characters lol

  8. Ooh! Interesting question. I'd have to say the characters as like yourself I can enjoy a rubbish plot so long as it has good characters and yet give me a brilliant plot with dreadful characters and I find myself unable to invest.

  9. Replies
    1. I can get by if I love the characters but all 3 does make it better!

  10. I did not think of that at all, but yes for me in audio the characters do make it move forward

    1. I feel like I instantly know them better hearing voices.

  11. Oh, interesting, I'm the opposite. I can tolerate slow books where nothing happens a lot better in audio. Partly because I can multitask, and the story just keeps going, rather than me having to force myself to sit and read. And partly because a good narrator can make a story more engaging. And if anything, I have a harder time connecting to characters, though I guess that sorta depends on the narrator. But characters are always most important for me.

    1. Oooh that must be my problem. I can not multitask and listen lol Good point about narrators though.

  12. I like character driven stories. I love reading about the human condition. 😊

    1. I connect to characters better than story.
