For What It's Worth

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Long Time No See....And...A Tell Me Something Tuesday

OMG! I haven't blogged since APRIL. I have no idea what's going on with me but I just can't seem to sit myself down to type out a post. I have read a few books and wanted to share a few things but... nope.

Life is lifing lol Good things, bad things, everything in between but we're plugging along. I'm trying to get the through the last day of a heatwave right now. It's been over 100 for 4-5 days now. Although the "cooldown" will still be in upper 80's low 90's. 

So maybe this is the first of many posts to come or maybe you won't hear from me again until Christmas. Either way - HI! I miss you and I do try to sporadically visit you all. I'm mostly on IG now, if you would like to chat. 

I saw the topic for TMST and thought I would use it to jump in with a new post.

4 women of various races sit on a blue sofa thought bubbles about their head that say Tell Me Something Tuesday
Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. 

It is co-hosted by (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About, Berl's from Because Reading is Better than Real Life  and me) 

Join in by answering this weeks question in the comments or on your own blog.

If you would like to join TMST and receive periodic emails of upcoming topics, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM. TMST is a laid back meme – join in or opt out depending on your interest in topics or schedule.

Question: Have you kept any hobbies that you started during the pandemic?

Answer: I made two bigger hobby related purchases during the pandemic. A Zojirushi bread machine & a sewing machine. We had to make our own masks after all lol

Out of the two - the bread machine is the clear winner. I didn't use it much during the pandemic but it did lead me to start baking (of all kinds) and make sourdough starter. I mostly use it to knead the bread and I finish baking in the oven. I also use it a lot in the summer to make jams. I absolutely don't regret that purchase. I've gotten more than my moneys worth out of it and it started a hobby that I really enjoy and find relaxing. 

The sewing machine...that's another matter. That just sat there for years lol I'm not great at sewing and I don't have a whole lot of patience for measuring, pinning and all that.

I do have it though, so I decided to try to make use of it and fixed a few of Kevin's shirts, made several dish towels (used a bar towel on one side & a soft flannel type fabric with a fun print on the other side). It's a simple square - yet mistakes were made - needles were broken lol, but I'm learning and getting a bit more comfortable. I doubt this will ever be a "hobby" but I no longer regret buying it. 

What about you? Did you start any new hobbies during (or after) the pandemic? 

And I just want to add that I understand that the pandemic wasn't a "let's start a new hobby" time for many, many people for many reasons - I don't want to make light of that and the measures vulnerable people still need to make now.

Please let me know what you've all been up to and reading!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2024

It's a Wrap- Up...Bakingmania, Fallout, the Tourist

Hello, Hello! I broke my streak of regular posting but the weather has been nice and I've been so busy (& happy!) working in the yard/on the house. I'm completely exhausted by the end of the day. Honestly, it's been great and the best I've slept in awhile. We also have a mini vacation coming up. 

And I celebrated my 59th birthday yesterday. I was never one to care about age/aging but the past few years have been kind of hard to wrap my brain around. Probably because I feel older. We had a lot of big life changes, health scares plus other stressful things going on. Things finally seem to be headed in a better direction, both with health and drama so 🤞

Other than that, there hasn't been much going on. I did some baking 2 weeks ago - 3 things in ONE DAY lol

I made a loaf of whole wheat, 7 grain bread in my machine, scones (from a mix) for a breakfast meeting Kevin was having at work the next day & decided - what the hell - and made a batch of Irish Cream cupcakes - converted from a coffee cake recipe I had made. 

On a wire cooking rack - a loaf of whole wheat sandwich bread to the upper left, a dozen cupcakes to the right . On a plate in front are mini cherry almond scones


I'm still barely reading. I started the audio of Annie bot by Sierra Greer ~ Goodreads . I thought it was a different book so I'm a little thrown by it. It's about a female robot - purchased by a man named Doug and her growing interest in humanity and autonomy. These books are always kind of about sex and servitude (for obvious reasons) but it's just really squicky to listen to at the moment. 


I have never played Fallout but we watched the series version on Amazon and loved it. It's kind of wacky, super violent, darkly funny. 

We're watching S2 of The Tourist on Netflix right now. It's pretty good, although I enjoyed S1 more. I highly recommend S1 - it has a Memento vibe in the Australian Outback. 

That's it for me!

I'll leave you with this video by Tenacious D (love them!). They did a cover of Britney Spears Baby One More Time that I meant to post when it came out a few weeks ago. It's a cover for the Kung Fu Panda 4 movie.

Happy weekend to you all! What have you been up to? Watching, reading, listening to?

cartoon sheltie head - bark back int he comments text below

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tell Me Something Tuesday: I'll be watching you...(lame, I know lol)


4 women of various races sit on a blue sofa thought bubbles about their head that say Tell Me Something Tuesday
Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. 

It is co-hosted by (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About, Berl's from Because Reading is Better than Real Life  and me) 

Join in by answering this weeks question in the comments or on your own blog.

If you would like to join TMST and receive periodic emails of upcoming topics, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM. TMST is a laid back meme – join in or opt out depending on your interest in topics or schedule.

Question: What have you been watching? Share your TV show or movie picks

Answer: I've been sharing this in my weekly posts lately so I don't have a ton of rec's but we did watch a few fun things last week.

Renegade Nell ~ Disney: This show was so much fun! Renegade Nell is a historical, fantasy/magical realism mash-up about Nell jackson - a Highway woman, framed for her fathers murder during 16th century England.

She takes to the road, with her two younger sisters and a Tinkerbell like sprite named Billy Blind - who infuses her, when in danger, with the strength to defeat anyone who dares to fight her - to clear her name and get her sisters to safety. 

There's a bit of non comformity, gender bending roles, and exploration of class issues - lots of (Disney-esqe) fighting. It can get a little silly at times but the show moves at a really brisque pace so you just roll with it. Nell is flawed but snarky as hell and despite her protests - has a soft heart. All of the characters are great - from her sisters, the rag tag team she picks up on the way to the villains.

The Night Agent ~ Netflix: "While monitoring an emergency line, an FBI agent answers a call that plunges him into a deadly conspiracy involving a mole at the White House"

I don't usually watch thrillers/suspense or crime shows but Netflix kept pushing this one and we figured we'd give one episode a try and ended up enjoying. It has scathinng reviews but is one of Netflix's most popular shows. 

There's nothing groundbreaking here but I liked the whole cast, the suspense was pretty good with enough intrigue and twists to keep us hooked.

Both shows have been renewed for a second season so no worries there.

What have you all been watching?