For What It's Worth

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

tell me something tuesday

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Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

Question: Who are some of the authors you have been meaning to read?

I’m drawing a blank on this question. O_O

The only one I can come up with is Adam Silvera ~ Goodreads

All of his YA contemporary novels have excellent reviews, seem emotional, intense and real. I always intend on reading his new releases but never quite get around to it.


There are lot of individual books I want to read but they aren’t because of the author specifically. And in most cases, I’ve read at least one book by the author, even if it's a new book/series I want to read, so, technically, I already read them. *head scratch*

I’m sure I’ll think of 20 authors tomorrow lol


  1. I'm not an "author" gal - more often than not, even if I read and liked a book by someone, that's no guarantee I'll read the next if the blurb doesn't scream at me LOL. Of course, I have a handful of favourites, but that's it. So it's not like there's an author I want to try, but like you, a book I want to read. I suppose it helps that I don't feel left out for not having read X or Y ;).

    1. Yeah, I'm the same. I have several romance authors that I auto-buy because it's 99.9% guaranteed that the book will make me happy but I usually just stumble upon authors because of individual book blurbs.

  2. I'm not usually an author gal too - I use to splurge on stories that I'm sure that I will enjoy or if the reviews were fantastic - unless they're from my favorite authors. Most of the books in my reading list, if not based on suggestions, are from movies that I watched and enjoyed or soon to be aired movies based on books.

    And for the author that I've been dying to try, all I could think of right now is Rick Riordan. I've been meaning to read his books but it's in series so I keep on setting them aside. But hopefully this year I could finally get on with them. I love Greek mythology so I'm really sure I would enjoy them, it's just that, it's in a long series hehe and I tend to get more lazy than usual when I hear a word "long" or if the series is still ongoing.

    1. I enjoyed his Percy series but yeah...when I'm more than two books behind it gets too intimidating to start a series lol I already have so many books that need to be read.

  3. Yep, I could not think of an answer to this question. I really go by the book itself more than the author. In fact, I've really disliked one book by an author and then given another book by that author a chance and loved it. Or vice versa.
    Jen Ryland

    1. I guess in my early days of blogging there were authors I wanted to try because of hype (Stephanie Perkins, Leigh Bardugo, A.S. King come to mind) but that usually leads to the same disappointment as cover hype and now I just read whatever grabs my attention plotwise.

      And like you all have said in the comments - I can love one book dislike another by the same author so that's not the best indicator to read a book for me.

  4. I don't have a ton of MUST-READ authors, but there are books/authors that I keep meaning to check out. I've read one by Victoria Schwab and I really do want to read all her other stuff. I love Adam Silvera though - his first two books are favorites and I can't wait for They Both Die at the End.


    1. I'm surprised by how many people don't have a long list! I don't feel so weird now lol

  5. I think I have seen this author around before, but haven't heard much about his books. They look intriguing though.

  6. I went to check Adam Silvera on GR and it turns out I already have "More Happy Than Not" in my TBR! I think the one I would like to be able to read [I haven't yet] is THE King :)

    1. I've wanted to read all three of these books at one point. Not sure why I haven't lol

  7. I haven't read that author either. I keep meaning to read Jill Shalvis.

    1. I like her books! Very sweet and romantic.

  8. His are new to me, hope you love them when you try them!

  9. Yeah - but I really don't have any authors on my radar except him. Series or stand alone/single book author.

    I used to early on in blogging. Maggie Steifvater, A.S. King, Melina Marchetta for example because I had heard they had a certain style of writing but I've tried all of them and now I just don't think about it anymore I guess. Not sure why. lol

  10. I can't of any author as of yet. But I can say that I finally read the last book by Adam and I enjoyed it :)

  11. Haha, the pressure of a response will do that to my memory banks, too, Karen. I've seen a review recently for one of his books and it was favorable. Hopefully you'll get to try his stuff soon.

    I keep side-eying the JD Robb books on my shelf and know I need to try them, too.

    1. I've read one JD Robb. That's why this question is tough for me. I've read at least one book by the authors I've been curious about.

  12. Silvera is pretty new t me but I have seen his books around lately, especially that most recent one. And I could probaby remember the book titles moreso than the authors names lol, for some reason those stick with me more?

    1. I'm the same. It's the blurbs that get me.

  13. I actually don't want to try Adam Silvera. They Both Die does sound kinda good, except I don't like books that I know are just going to make me sad. I like books that are dark and intense, I don't *need* happy endings, I love emotion, but not that kind of poignant, sad emotion if that makes sense?

    1. I doubt that's the one I would try first. I also hear his next book won't be sad so maybe I'll wait lol

  14. Ahhh I want to read They Both Die at the End so bad! And the other two books sound pretty great too, haven't read anything by Adam Silvera so I have no idea about his writing.

    1. I don't know anything either! I just keep seeing him around my feed and it makes me curious.

  15. I have so many authors I want to read! Adam Silvera was one of them :)

    1. He's the only one that sprang to mind for me.

  16. I've definitely been meaning to read Adam's books for a while now too!

  17. That question is almost as tough as,"who is your favorite author?" WE HAVE TO PICK ONE?!

    1. I'm out of the loop. I don't really pay attention to books/publishing anymore so these kind of lists leave me scratching my head. lol

  18. The "They Both Die at the End" sounds so sad just based on the title! GAH! A part of me wants to pick it up based on that alone, and the other half of me wants to stay very far away from that book!

  19. I've heard a lot about Adam Silvera but I'm also afraid. They sound so depressing.

    1. Agreed. It's one of those - I'm curious but do I really want to read his books? lol
