For What It's Worth

Monday, February 29, 2016

Review: Special Interests (The Easy Part #1) by Emma Barry

Special Interests (The Easy Part, #1)Compared to love, politics is easy...

Union organizer Millie Frank's world isn't filled with cocktails and nightclubs…until she's turned into an unwitting minor celebrity. As if being part of a hostage situation wasn't traumatizing enough, now her face is splashed across the news. But Millie's got fresher wounds to nurse—like being shot down by the arrogant bad boy she stupidly hit on.

Parker Beckett will do whatever it takes to close a deal for the senate majority leader, including selling out union labor. Charming and smart on the surface, he's also cynical and uncommitted—an asset on the Hill. But something about Millie has stuck with him and when negotiations bring her to his office, Parker breaks his own rules and asks her out.

Parker can't understand how Millie has retained her idealism in a place like D.C. Millie can't believe what Parker's willing to sacrifice in order to pass a budget. But as they navigate their political differences, what grows between them looks a lot like a relationship…and maybe even a little like love. ~

Source: Purchased

Review: I adore Barry’s Fly Me to the Moon – circa 1940’s astronaut series (co-written with Genevieve Turner) - so even though I’m not a huge fan of politics, I wanted to give this one a try.

Parker, a Senior Aid to the Senate Majority Leader, has long lost his optimism for the political system and plays to win, making compromises that often hurt one group to save another – while Millie. a labor organizer, still believes the system can work if the politicians just meet and listen to the people.

This book is very heavy with politic speak. It's not just a backdrop which is a really great thing for people who love that and the D.C. area but I don’t so a lot of it went over my head.

Having said that, the writing is smart and detailed so if if you're looking for topical issues (with the current election cycle in full swing), career driven characters and a nice romance, with West Wing/Aaron Sorkin type dialogue, then give this one a go.

Blogger Shame

Special Interests is part of my Blogger Shame review Challenge
 hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup
to clear out those older books that keep getting pushed aside because...

Ooh! New! Shiny!

*originally downloaded April 9. 2014

One down - 11 books to go!


  1. Given that its heavy on politic speak this isn't a book I'd rule out but rather one I'd definitely have to be in the right frame of mind to read.

    1. Exactly. I think you have to be in the mood for those kinds of topics.

  2. Good to hear it was smart and detailed. I am not much into politics though

  3. I'm not into politics... especially in a big election year, but I may have to try this one. Listen to the people... and not just their supporters, or yes men? Wha...? Sometimes it is good to live in a book for a short time. :D

    1. I thought it might work for me because of the romance but nope. Oh well....This was more about the lobbyist side of things.

  4. Replies
    1. Me tooooo that's why I joined the challenge lol

  5. I'm not that into politics, and i'm sure so much of the book would go over my head! LOL Glad you gave it a shot!


    1. It was easy to understand but the characters are so passionate about their careers and I think you have to have more than a passing interest in politics to enjoy it.

  6. Woots on a blogger shame book! I'd probably do terrible with this one. Politics and I don't get along all that well. ;)

    1. I guess I don't either lol

      One book down! Many more to go....

  7. Wahoo, reading your books! I tend to steer clear of books related to politics (I guess non fantasy politics) and religion. This one probably isn't for me but thanks for your opinion!

  8. Wahoo, reading your books! I tend to steer clear of books related to politics (I guess non fantasy politics) and religion. This one probably isn't for me but thanks for your opinion!

  9. I tend to shy away from political issues in books... but this seems like a great read- witty dialogue and opposites attract, which is something I can never get enough of.

    1. She's such a great writer and I've enjoyed books by her that were about topics I didn't think I would like so I figured it was worth a shot.

  10. I would never have picked this up in a million years as I feel politics is just not something I want to read about (it's bad enough IRL!)...but your glowing review has me interested. I admire the author for tacking this. Not something I could ever hope to do...unless it's totally fictional and I can make everything up.

    1. It was a freebie when I picked it up. I don't think I realized it was about politics.

      She obviously put in a lot of research and it's well written - just not my thing ya know?

  11. It was very well researched and written - just not my thing.
