For What It's Worth

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Blogger ramblings… taking a little break

I’m taking a bit of a blogging break for the month of August.

You probably won’t even notice because I’ll still be visiting blogs and have reviews up but most of them will be something called Short & Tweet Reviews – inspired by Kate at Midnight Book Girl. I tried to stay within the confines of the 140 character tweet but they’re more like twitlonger /mini reviews. But Short & Tweet sounds better and I made a button and everything soooo… hehe

It seemed like an easier way to talk about what I was reading without being stuck at the computer. I can take a break from the annoying, stressful parts of blogging, yet still be around.

I hope you are all having a safe and happy summer!

Here are a few of the books I’m hoping to get to during my break. My husband is on vacation so I might not even end up reading so we’ll see. No pressure FTW!!!



  1. I completely understand the need for some time off. I went away for a while recently, but to work on other things, not to actually take a break. So it's been a while. I'm glad we'll get to see you around anyway, but really, your longer posts will be missed.
    Enjoy, Karen!

    1. I have a few longer ones scheduled in there but it will be nice to take a little break.

  2. Have a happy break and a relaxing summer!

    Falling into Place is on my TBR list. Interested in your thoughts...later on ;).

    On a side note, I've just noticed the "My boys" pic on your sidebar LOL.

    1. I hear it's really good but I can never tell what will hit me. I'm still trying to finish Lost lol

  3. Nice! Breaks are definitely good and needed. Plus, some excellent books on your TBR pile (at least I hope they are!). Enjoy!

    1. I'm sure I won't get to them all but a few would be nice.

  4. Enjoy your vacay! It's Summer, enjoy the season and your books!

    1. Thanks! I'll still be around - I just needed a break from post writing. Formatting drains my soul lol

  5. Have a relaxing break! I really like the idea of short & tweet reviews. I loved Landline and I've heard such good things about Falling Into Place.

    1. My friend is reading and loving Landline right now - can't wait to read it and I'm really looking forward to Falling into Place!

  6. Good for you!

    I'm trying to force myself to write condensed reviews, but I get to going and it's hard!

    I'm reading Landline right now and loving it. I hope you enjoy the books you read -if any!

    1. It's really hard lol My Tweet reviews are still longish

  7. I want to do short ones, but that is SHORT.
    I hope you come back!

    1. Yeah - only one is actually tweet length lol I fail already.

  8. Enjoy your break ..I have been on one lately with the house and etc. I have some many reviews to type up :) Have a great summer relaxing

    1. Falling into PLace is amazing :) One of my favorites this year

  9. I've been blogging under a no pressure policy for a good long while now and it's definitely the best thing! Have a good break! I'm curious to hear what you think of Landline and Falling Into Place.

  10. Have fun chilling. LOVE that pic of "your boys" in your sidebar btw.

  11. Good for you! Everyone needs a break sometimes. Enjoy it!

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