For What It's Worth

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tell Me Something Tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

Question: Where do you get your review books?


Netgalley - but I’m pretty cautious about that because it makes me feel pressured – to read and post on a schedule. Also, I want to be sure it’s something I really think I will like because I don’t want to DNF or write a lot of negative reviews for books I request.

I probably get under 10 books per year from Netgalley per year and that’s a generous #.

Edelweiss is completely baffling to me so I’ve only requested about 3 books from there over the years – and only got approved for 1.

PR companies - I’m signed up to a PR company newsletter that represents a lot of authors for the romances that I like to read. I haven’t requested anything in months because of the move but that’s where I get a lot of my romance arc’s.

Publishers - Occasionally, publishers send books to me unsolicited – about 5-6 per year. I have no idea why I get them – who my contact is or how to ask for more/less lol But they’re usually for  S&S, Harper, Penguin so I roll with it.

Authors - I have a few authors that I've worked with over the years who still offer me their upcoming books or send out a blogger request form for upcoming releases.

Conferences - by far, the biggest source for my arc’s/review books is book conferences like BEA and ALA.

I live too far away from the conferences now so that will come to a screeching halt. But honestly, I’ve been stepping away from review books anyway.

Blogger friends - the generosity of this community is always overshadowed by the bad sides/drama. My blogger buddies and I have been trading arc's or just passing them on to each other for years now. It's something, personally, that I LOVE to do for other bloggers. Especially newbies or people who don't have access.

This is not about collecting arc's or using bloggers for free books. I'm talking about making real friends and sharing the bookish love. 

Library - This is my #1 source for books right now. It's easy, free and doesn't require any obligation to anyone. It's been a great way to see if I like a book/author before committing to buying or requesting books.

I want to tackle all the arc’s and books I’ve accumulated and never read for the past 9 years of blogging. And, more importantly, read without pressure. So, yes, I'll still request a book I REALLY want to read but it's something I've been backing away from.

Where do you get your review books? 


  1. It used to be Curiosity Quills Press until they shut up shop at the beginning of the year. It's a pity, because they had awesome speculative/offbeat fiction - and lots of probably great fantasy books if you like the genre. I don't know of any other press that sends request books along those lines to small bloggers, and I don't even want to tread the NG-EW waters, so it's only me and my small clique of authors now. I'll have to look into this PR company thing, if there are any for the kind of books I like!

    Good luck with those 9 years of books LOL.

    1. I didn't know that about Curiosity Quills. I had just signed up for their newsletter but never got one. That explains that lol

      I don't know how it would work for you, because you're international, but I tend to deal with promo tour companies that work with small or self pub authors. And mostly romance - so that doesn't help you either.

      I find them mostly through twitter or other blogs. Or authors that I used to deal with directly hired them on and I got on the list larger list.

  2. It's been years and years since I reviewed, but back then they mostly came from authors and pr companies. I don't review anymore and do just interviews, but like you, I love, love the local library, and spend way too much time there.(lol) Another awesome post! Hugs...RO

    1. I just started using the library. I had a horrible local library for both physical and e-books but was able to get a card for the next county over. They use Libby and have an amazing selection. It's been a game changer.

      I'll have to see what they have at my new place.

  3. My #1 source for books is NetGalley. I usually request 5 at a time and don't request more until I write the reviews and have them set to post on my blog. Some authors send me books and I get email request a couple of times a month but I think my second most popular source for books is winning them. I enter a lot of contests and win a good amount of books. I also write reviews for another blog a few times a year.

    1. That is exactly what I do except with a 2 book limit. It helps keep me in line.

      Winning is probably the BEST way to get them! lol I hardly ever win anything though.

  4. I primarily get my ARC's from NetGalley too. I also work with TLC Book Tours, and get a lot through them as well. Like you, I also get a ton of books from the library! I'm there AT LEAST once a week!!

    1. I'll have to check out TLC. I think I've heard of them. Mostly these days I've been sticking to my physical TBR pile and library.

  5. Oh wow, one big source of books (apart from the many I buy myself) is Netgalley because at least I choose which ones I request and can decide for myself if I can take on more books. I don't get as many books from publishers and that. I try to keep review copies at a minimum as I hate the pressure.

    1. I never really got many books from them - although I do love that site! lol

      I started not liking a few books but feeling like I had to review to keep the % up and it started to be more like pressure reading so I scaled back.

  6. I used to go to cons and get physical books, but once I acknowledge that I don't really read them, because they are physical books, I sort of stopped going. It's ebooks for me, so NG, EW, Hoopla, eLibrary.

    1. And you have the eye issues right?

      I even scaled way back on what I picked up at conferences because - like you - I didn't read/or like most of them.

      That's why I'm not to bummed about not going anymore - other than missing my friends.

  7. Authors sending books are the best. :) And I've never requested a Netgalley- can you believe it??? I have an account though and browse there for ideas once in a while lol

    1. Really??!! I like Netgalley because it's super easy but I've never been on to over request or get tempted by ALL THE BOOKS on there so I don't get bogged down with review copies.

      I allow myself two at a time - but will go months without ever requesting anything.

      I think I've been on there 9 years?? and I've just cracked through to 100 books.

    2. One of these days I'm gonna request a book there and will probably become addicted!

  8. I'm lucky enough to receive a lot of unsolicited review copies which is such a blessing, sometimes a curse when so many arrive all at once. All but one book that I read last year were all review copies and I still have lots more left. I must admit, I love unsolicited copies not only for the surprise element but also because I've found so many of my favourite reads that way.

    1. I'm getting more unsolicited books - which is great because I don't really feel obligated to review them lol

      I just wish I knew who the contact person was or why I get them so I could target them better. I get a lot of books outside my reading genre - like MG.

  9. When it comes to arcs for review, I depend on NetGalley and Edelweiss. But that’s getting less and less because I’ve been taking a giant step away from arcs and trying to concentrate on all the backlist titles on my shelves. Plus, like you mentioned, I don’t enjoy reading on a schedule. I just want to read what I want, when I want. And sometimes, with some books, I don’t even feel like reviewing it. So I hate to be in the position where I feel like I *have* to read and review.

    1. Same! I had really gotten my TBR pile down and was dabbling back into Netgalley but since the move I've fallen behind again so nope lol

      I'm all about no pressure reading these days.

  10. You've always been really sweet with sending me ARCs, which I seriously appreciate. I definitely love using the library, and I'm trying to read more of the books that I've owned for awhile and just never got to. I do get some books from publishers - sometimes unsolicited, and other times I accept them. I've never gotten accepted for anything on Edelweiss but I get a lot of my m/m reads from Netgalley.


    1. Are you singed up with Novel Take PR? That's where I get most of my M/M and LGBQT review copies. They've been great to work with so far - although not supportive when it comes to tours IMO

      I love sharing my books - especially if they have a chance at getting more reviews or going to a reader who will love it as much/or more than I would.

  11. Yes, I am not alone with not getting Edelweiss, it is just weird!

  12. Edelweiss isn't user friendly and I found out a couple of times that I was approved but didn't not get a notice. Bummed. Library is my #1 source too. I haven't gotten unsolicited books lately (usually from Tor and not real big publishers) but haven't gotten any lately. Probably because of the lack of posts.

    Btw, how is Fonzi? I hope all is going well!

    1. That site is baffling to me so I don't bother lol

      About 3-4 times a year I'll get something from Harper and Penguin which is awesome but I don't know why or from who. And it's usually not what I read so I wish I could contact someone so they send things I enjoy. But they always reject me for requests. *shrugs*

  13. Bloggers are the best. I get most of my books from libraries and used bookstores.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I've never had used or indie bookstores near me but I have several at my new place so I'll be exploring soon!

  14. NG makes me feel slightly pressured but not too much since it never feels like a hard deadline the way author review groups and other things do. But it's definitely great being able to get books from the library and have NO pressure. Lol about not knowing who your contacts even are!

  15. Great post for sure!! I mostly get my books from the library, books I buy on my own, the Audible Romance Package, and Netgalley/Edelweiss. Although lately I have been a mood reader, so I am doing less of Netgalley.

  16. I don't go looking for review books as I'm trying to plough through the books I actually own. If authors approach me, I'll consider requests though. I ended up taking on too many review books and getting stressed by deadlines so I cut way back!

  17. I really need to join a library and get into borrowing books again! And yay for blogger friends and publishers being so generous <3 So many different places and ways to get new books.

  18. Netgalley and Edelweiss are my go-tos. I do get sent some via Book Funnel from authors I have been interacting with personally for years. It's funny how I haven't formed any close relationships like that with authors over the last couple of years. 👍✨
