For What It's Worth

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

tell me something tuesday: It’s so fluffy!

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

Question: What are some light, fluffy, feel good books you have read lately?

I know some authors are insulted by the light, fluffy label but light, fluffy, feel good books are my FAVORITE kind of books to read! I can’t think of anything better than closing a book with a giant smile on your face and being able to forget about all the bad things going on in your life. ALL my thanks to the authors who do that well!

Sadly, I haven’t read many lately. But there are a couple plus a few that I hope to read this month and an older favorite.

*Click on cover to go to Goodreads



It Takes Two to Tumble by at Sebastian – this was one of the sweetest, romantic stories about a
vicar, a naval captain and his three wild children. My mini review: “ So flipping heartwarming and sweet. I adored this one – really lovely writing and story. Low angst – opposites attract, cute kids, great friends. It just had it all.”

HeartOn by Amy Jo Cousins – A football player and a set designer, exploring their bi-sexuality during a 2 week long fling & of course it turns to more. Super sweet, sexy, fun and low angst - just as promised.

Cousin's is one of my go-to authors and this book is a good example of why. Always a lot of heart packed into her stories.

Recommended Reads


These aren’t books that I would have noticed on my own but SO many bloggers have said how over-the-top fun and silly they were (in a good way) and also sweet. They are both on Kindle Unlimited so I’m giving them a try this month!

Older fave:


Sustained by Emma Chase – This is one of my favorite laugh out loud reads. Jack is a lawyer who falls hard for Chelsea and her six orphaned nieces and nephews. I’m not a huge fan of kids in books but it really works here (& in It Takes Two to Tumble – above).

I stuck with romance for this post and I’m sure there are dozens more but I have the worst memory. lol Hit me up in the comments with your favorite light & fluffy reads of any genre/age group!


  1. Fluffy or light can be good! Sometimes you just need a break from the world...

  2. I loved Sustained,too! I don't think light and fluffy should be an insult, because I adore those types of books! Sometimes you need something really fun to get your mind off of real-life and lighten the mood. A Heap of Texas Trouble by Carolyn Brown had me laughing my ass off, but I'm not sure it was all light and fluffy. Just super fun. :)

    1. I'll have to look that one up. Fun is good!

  3. Replies
    1. It is! And that would usually annoy me but it was sooooo good and hilarious.

  4. Stud in the stacks looks epically cheesy so of course I'm dying to grab a copy. I love cheesy, fluffy romance, usually in young adult but keen to discover new reads. Thanks for sharing Karen, will be checking these out <3

    1. He is a librarian and romance book reviewer!!! Or at least that's what I hear. Excited! I'm reading the first one right now.

  5. True about authors not liking their books labeled, but fluff is the BESSSST. I'm always game for a quick pick-me-up read. <3 I haven't read any of these, but I've seen awesome reviews about Emma Chase books, so I'd love to read one. (Not sure how I'll handle that many kids in the story though. XD)

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. Believe me - you will love all the kids and the way the hero interacts with them. I swear! I don't usually like kids in my books - never mind THAT many but it's so funny!

  6. *fans self*

    STUD IN THE STACKS?! I'm in. Sometimes you just need a light read to forget the worries of the world--you're absolutely right! And I can't think of a better time of year to read a good fluffy book :) And perfectly timed for Valentine's Day.

    Hope you're having a great week, Karen!

    1. I hear he is a librarian/romance book reviewer/blogger. I cant wait! lol

  7. Light and fluffy are sometimes the best books! I love books that can make me smile...and make me laugh? Hurrah!! I need to read more Amy Jo Cousins! It's been awhile!!


    1. Yeah - her books are great!

      I love when a book can make me laugh or leave a smile on my face for a week :-)

  8. Sadly I haven't read one in awhile. I'm listening to an audio that was supposed to be light and fluffy but instead it's making me a little angry and aggravated.

    1. Oh no! lol I was reading one like that and I just gave up. At least for now.

  9. I don't think there's anything insulting about the term "fluff" so long as you use it respectfully! And honestly, fluff is my favourite this time of year. Tessa Dare's Castles Ever After series is my fave fluff, but I recently read A Duke in Shining Armor by Loretta Chase and that was also some quality fluff!

    1. Oh I haven't read Dare but I have a few of her books on my Kindle.

  10. I love Fluffy books!! They make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Sustained is a great one!

    1. The same! I smile like a loon for the whole week after an excellent fluffy book!

  11. The Cat Sebastian series just came to my attention last week. I definitely want to read those. I like to mix in my light reads between more angsty ones so I probably read a bit of both types of romances so there are a long list.

    1. I'm mixing it up more lately to avoid burn out but nothing makes me happier than a book that makes me swoon or laugh. That Sebastian book did both.

  12. I love light and fluffy! It's been my default lately. They are the best remedy for a long and stressful day! I love getting lost in them, and like you said, ending with a huge smile on my face. It's nice when a book makes you feel good. I'm going to be starting HeartShip and HeartOn next!

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I love that reading high you get from something fluffy. It's like....YAAAAAAY!!!! lol

  13. I read an Emma Chase book a long time ago, and I remember really enjoying it.

    1. She has a great sense of humor - especially with that one.

  14. I've read a few but that one was my favorite.

  15. Gonna check out Stud in the Stacks!

  16. If I am in the right mood then I am all for a light and fluffy read, but to be honest they aren't always my favorite. But there are some books I do love that do this style in romance.

    I do want to read Cat Sebastian and need to read It Takes Two To Tumble very soon!!!

    Here are my favorites: Men in Kilts by Katie MacAlister, Emily and the Scot by Kathryn Smith, The Earl is Mine by Kieran Kramer, Beauty Dates The Beast by Jessica Sims.

    1. I hope you give it a try. It does have some weight to it - it's not all light and fluffy but a very swoony, feel good ending and lots of fun moments.

      Oh yeah! I had forgotten about MasAllister. She does write really fun books. I'll check out the others. Thanks!

  17. I love light and fluffy romance too especially on YA :)

    My eyes are set on Sustained by Emma Chase <3

  18. I have been more into fantasy and science fiction lately. So, I haven't read many fluffy reads lately, but I am grateful for your suggestions! I tend to get caught up in intense fantasy stories and forget that light, romantic reads can be just as enjoyable. When I am in the mood for a lighter read, Sarah Dessen and Jennifer E. Smith are my absolute favorites. I will read anything from Dessen and Smith and it never disappoints. I also really love Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and I need to get around to reading the rest of her cute books.

    Tessa @ Crazy for YA

    1. Sarah Dessen is a good one! there are so many YA's but my brain just went blank lol

  19. I never read fluffy books, but I'm always open to suggestions! All of these look really interesting!

  20. Sometimes light and fluffy just hits the spot. Lauren Layne tends to be my go-to when I want something light and fun. Love her!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  21. Why would you be upset about being labelled a light fluffy read? I think they're the most satisfying when in doubt about what to read next. I do love Sustained, that book is hilarious. I find contemporary YA can be great, I always return to Jennifer Echols.

  22. I don't understand why they'd be offended by 'light and fluffy'. I mean, you're giving people an escape from the world around them. That's a public service and a sure fire way of making people happy. Well, except for curmudgeons but nothing makes them happy...
