For What It's Worth

Monday, February 26, 2018

my monday musings

I was summoned for jury duty this week so I might be MIA for a bit depending what happens today and if I get selected for a case.

I do have a review scheduled for Thursday but other than that zip…nada…zilch. I’ll try to at least keep up with commenting.

I also wanted to squeeze in my Blog All About February post – hosted by Anna of Herding Cats Burning Soup. This months prompt was RED and for some reason I had a really difficult time coming up with something but here are a couple of red things…




Although we seem to have skipped right over spring and into summer here in FL (it’s been in the mid to upper 80’s) this is still my favorite time of year at the farmers market. Everything is at it’s peak and February is strawberry season. We have quite a few festivals one of the biggest being an 11 day event in Plant City. I’ve mostly stuck to the smaller, local ones but it sounds fun. 

I usually marinate my strawberries in a tiny bit of sugar and balsamic vingigar and serve over this Berlin Natural Bakery Spelt Angel Food Loaf. I gave it a try one year when no one had the regular shortcakes and OMG it’s YUM. What’s your favorite way to eat strawberries?

I also tried my hand at book spine poetry using my red books.


So have a great week everyone and wish me luck with jury duty! I’m super nervous for some reason lol


  1. I've never been summoned for jury duty before! *KNOCKS ON SO MUCH WOOD* I wish you luck, though! :)

    Do You Dog-ear?

  2. I think you did pretty good with your book spine poetry. Good luck with jury duty. I've been excused 3 times due to being a student or having a sick pet.

    1. Thanks! My husband had it but didn't' get assigned to a case so fingers crossed.

  3. Good luck at jury duty!! We're finally warming up here in Ohio...40-50 degrees this week. Woohoo! ;)

    1. Heat wave!!! lol

      We cooled down a BIT today and I'm loving it. 70's, breezy and perfect.

  4. I hope jury duty goes well. I've never been summoned. Ooh I love your book spine poetry - it works so well.


  5. Ahhh strawberries! I love eating them with TONS of sugar, but we only rarely have them here at home. :( Good luck with jury duty, Karen! <3

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. These were super sweet and didn't need much. It's always weird eating them in winter here and then not having any in the summer when everyone else does. It gets too hot to grow them in FL then.

  6. I'm going nuts with strawberries lately :D

  7. Do they let you read while doing jury duty? If so, I might be okay with that ;)

    1. While you're waiting to be called yes. I brought a book and they had a table of books as well. Once you're called in to a courtroom - no - for obvious reasons.

  8. Oy. Best of luck at jury duty. Haven't done this in ages, but it's a nerve-wracking experience (and as much as I'd like to be proud of my civic duties, it never comes at the right time, does it?). Anyway best of luck with the case and let us know how it goes (I mean, whatever you CAN divulge, of course!).

    I'd love to try to make my own strawberries with balsamic vinegar combo--sounds so delicious! And on top of a German angel food loaf? I'll be right over :)

    Hope you have a great week ahead! XOXO

    1. It's just such a long day of doing nothing. lol

      I got picked to go int he courtroom but not to serve so I'm done. Wheeeee!

      I add a bit of sugar and a drizzle of balsamic (I saw a recipe somewhere years ago) and let it sit for about a half hour and it makes a delicious syrupy mix to put on the cake.

  9. Ugh, we've had SNOW here instead. Just a sprinkle where I live because it's at sea level, but still - I don't think I've seen snow more than 4 times in my whole life...

    Nice red poem!

    And good luck with jury duty! Tell them Figment would start a hunger strike without you LOL.

  10. Good luck with not getting chosen. I've never get summoned for jury duty and I never want to be, but I guess if I am, I'll do it since it's our obligation.

    I like your book spin poetry and those strawberries look so yummy.

    1. Thanks - the berries were yummy!

      I escaped jury duty but was there all day.

  11. Ooh I love your book spine poetry! But good luck with the jury duty thing :-/

    1. Thanks! Not bad for my first time and limitation of red spines lol

  12. That sounds delicious! I love anything with strawberries. Good luck with jury duty. I actually really enjoyed it the one time I was selected for a trial. Most people seem to hate it.

    1. I don't mind it in theory but I have panic attacks when I'm stuck somewhere and can't get up to leave so I was more worried about that. I did ok though and ultimately didn't get picked so yay!

  13. Ooh jury duty- how fun right? :( I love farmers markets. And wow you guys are having warm weather! Yikes.

    1. Such a long day of doing nothing with 100 people lol

      We are now down to a pleasant 70-ish degrees. I'll take that!

  14. I used to think it would be so excited to be called to perform jury duty but then I realized it is a disruption to your daily life. I guess a duty is a duty. :) Good luck!

    1. It's just a weird, long process because they start with such a large pool and whittle you down. So it took almost all day.

  15. Haven't been summoned before but good luck on your jury duty Karen :)

  16. Good luck with jury duty! And if you get chosen, I hope it’ for something interesting. I’ve been called three times and was seated on a jury once. A murder trial. Ack!
    I’ve yet to go to the strawberry festival in Plant City even though I hear about it every year.

    1. My husband was almost on a murder trial but they didn't pick him. I got in the courtroom as a backup but they didn't need me so I'm done.

      Are you down here in FL?? It's a huge festival but I stick tot he smaller ones that sell local strawberries.

    2. Nice that you got dismissed!
      I’m in NE FL so Plant City would be a long way to go for a festival. :)

    3. I'm in Ocala so it's not that close to me either.

  17. Glad you didn't have to be on jury duty. My hubby got picked one time and it lasted 2 weeks.

    1. Oh yikes! I did get called in for a case but not picked. It was supposed to have only lasted one day though.

  18. Such awesome book poetry. When I was in college, my advisor told me if I ever got called for jury duty, to just tell them I was a criminal justice/pre law major and I'd probably get disqualified. She said they usually don't like people with legal backgrounds - they tend to make things "messy." It's worked for me so far.

    1. We have a lot of medical and law people in our county so quite a few were dismissed for those reasons.

  19. Ugh jury duty is the worst. I've gotten out of it because I am home wit the kids but I get called all the time. Love the book poetry!

    1. Thanks! Luckily I didn't get chosen so yay! Just ended up being a long day.

  20. Strawberries! YUM!!! I wouldn't mind being called for jury duty but with my luck it would probably be a boring case.

    1. We could swap! I didn't end up getting picked but it was kind of interesting.

  21. Strawberry season is July for us, but yes... shortcake with cream and strawberries is my fav. Your replacement angel food bread sounds delish, too.

    Way to go on the bookspine poetry. So true...

    Hope the jury duty works out. I've been sent a summons twice for cases that got resolved outside court somehow and once, I didn't get picked for a criminal case- guess the defense lawyer thought I'd throw the book at his client. ;)

    1. It's so weird to have it in the winter and then not have any good berries int he summer. I grew up in New England so it's reversed now.

      Thanks about the book spine poetry. I really liked that one :-)

      I didn't get picked so yay!

  22. I just love RED and Strawberries are so delicious especially in summer time.

  23. I've been summoned to Jury Duty before but thankfully didn't have to serve on a case. There is a Strawberry Farm near Clanton, AL that I've wanted to go pick strawberries but haven't had a chance. The book spine poetry is really good. I've never heard of this Angel Loaf bread but it looks good.

    1. Thanks! It was kind of creepy so I like it lol (the book spine poetry)

      My husband made me get that angel food cake. I was like ewww it sounds gross but it's really good!

  24. Love your post.
    Ps - ACOTAR is amazing. I love it when I randomly see books I love in a blog or some-one's username is a character. It makes me HAPPY.

    1. Thanks! I really need to read it - well all three of those books lol

  25. I guess you didn't get picked for a case? I waited 4 hours then got called to a courtroom for another 4 but didn't get picked. I could read the first half but not the second.

  26. I miss strawberries so much. I used to love them straight out of the garden. Love the poetry! I have enough books to try this one. LOL

    Sorry about jury duty. :p

  27. Glad to hear you didn't end up having to serve, Karen!

    I think of red bell peppers, or the super hot little red peppers, or fire engines if I think of red. Love strawberries, though! Dipped in chocolate or served sliced with some hot pancakes, syrup and powdered sugar! Yum! :)

  28. I've had jury duty twice and both times I was put on a jury. It was an interesting experience, but someday I hope not to get picked. Your strawberry photo makes me want strawberry shortcake!

  29. Ooo, I am going to try your strawberries recipes. Looks yum!

  30. Hey, that book spine poem is really cool! Nice job. And I'm very jealous of your strawberries, we won't have them in my part of the world until June!

  31. Love the spine poem - and here's hoping jury duty goes smoothly!
