For What It's Worth

Friday, January 5, 2018

One word(s)2018

I’ve been doing ONE WORD instead of resolutions for the New Year since 2013. It really works for me.

The idea is that you choose a word or phrase, rather than a specific goal, to focus on for the year. There’s no failing and I find that my past words have stayed with me.

In the past I’ve chosen LAUGH, DISCONNECT, SIMPLIFY, & JOY.

Do something every day that scares you, like watching the news.I really struggled for a word this year. I think it’s going to be another year of NOISE. I almost wanted to pick JOY again because it  worked so well for me in 2017. I never fell down the rabbit hole of despair despite the constant barrage of negativity. Somewhere in the  back of my mind I remembered my word and to find joy wherever I could. That mostly came in the form of my goofy pets :-)

However, I managed that by retreating into myself and backing away from things as a defense mechanism. I was basically lalalalala –   ignore/become a hermit - when it got to be too loud or negative.

It just seemed like there was a constant stream of chaos that was hard to shut out unless you completely walked away. I couldn't even go to the grocery store without hearing long political rants. I just hid and read romances the entire year to cope. I needed ALL THE HEA’S!

Which is FINE….taking a break from everything (especially SM) is a good thing! But I didn’t realize just how much I had withdrawn until we went on a trip to NC in November. It was so much fun, relaxing and restorative. It was exactly what I need more of in my life.

I feel like I survived 2017 instead of living it, even though it was a pretty good year for me personally.

After much Googling, I found this photo on PEXELS  and it strikes the tone I’m looking for going into the new year. It’s not really the specific words that mean something to me but the collection of them, reminding me to DREAM, have COURAGE, INSPIRE & be inspired, and strive for HARMONY. It kind of covers everything. lol


So in 2018 I’m going to get all hippy dippy and follow my bliss, make lemonade out of lemons, have an adventure! and find a better way to combat the negativity fatigue that doesn’t involve hiding away. (That does not mean ignoring reality! Just finding a better balance)

My fellow bloggers My Pixie Blog & Shooting Stars Mag also did One Word this year if you want to check them out.

Do you choose a word or resolution each year? Feel free to share yours in the comments!

Happy New Year everyone! WE. CAN. DO. THIS.


  1. I love this so much!! This is what I want to live by in 2018.

    1. :-) It really works for me rather than setting goals - which I always fail and then feel awful lol

  2. I know exactly what you mean about withdrawing in the wake of all the craziness -- I feel like I sort of did the opposite and became borderline obsessive with news, protests, etc. I need to chill the heck out this year, haha. Maybe I'll try being hippy dippy too! I really like "courage" as a word for the year. :)

    1. I feel like there were only two speeds in 2017. Absorb yourself in every detail as if the world was ended or hide. I'm not sure what the answer is but I need an attitude that helps for the long haul.

  3. I like your word choices. I too had a tough time with this year. I need to study but I also need to enjoy time with my kids before this time with them is gone. I also need to work on communication with husband even more since its been 20 years this feb :) I also need to exercise often too. So many choices for words for me .

    1. I try to choose words that aren't too specific - more to set a mood that helps me handle whatever life throws at me that way I'm covered no matter what lol

      I felt kind of scattered this year so the picture really spoke to me and can mean anything you need it to.

  4. I hope this year brings less stress, less chaos and more fun and laughter for you.

    1. It usually does. I usually keep my word on a post it note on my desk and it just brings me back down whenever I feel out of control.

  5. I love the idea of using one words to focus on in the year!!So awesome

    1. Thanks. I see a lot of people doing it this year. Whatever works!

  6. I love those stones with the words on them! :) Nice pick for 2018. And I totally hear you... I like Harmony myself.

    1. It's not so much the words but the picture and tone - it felt right somehow. And hell yeah! more harmony PLEASE lol

  7. I think I'm going to have to steal Joy from you. Last year I nearly toppled full into the pit of despair. I'm not going to let that happen to me again.

  8. What a lovely idea :D

    Hmmm, I wonder what I would choose, or hope to have

  9. Too weird, my coworker was just talking to me about her word for 2018!

    1. So many more people seem to be joining in this year. It's something that really works for me.

  10. Wow, that photo is relaxing. Great words for 2018!

    1. Yeah - the photo sets the mood for me almost more than the words.

  11. I think those words add up to a great theme for 2018. I was a bit of an ostrich myself in 2017...even my blogging suffered. Hopefully 2018 will be better.

    1. I think we kind of had to be to make it through at times lol

  12. Awww, thanks so much for the link back :) I think JOY is a wonderful word, and I also don't see the problem with repurposing it if it worked so well for you the first time! Then again, maybe that's my inner hippie dippie "the universe has your back in all things" kind of talk :)

    Anyhoo, that's a great pic and I love that it encapsulates all things for the new year. Hope this is a fantastic one for you, and that you have a beautiful weekend ahead!!


    1. I still carry my words over from year to year so I feel like I should build on it. Joy worked perfect for 2017 but I also need to get out of the *just getting by* mode and move on to living more. My trip reminded me of that.

  13. I tend not to do resolutions but I like your word idea. Joy seems like it'd do me good... Learning to focus on the little happy moments instead of the bad. Maybe I'll give it a try. :)

    1. I hope it helps. I find it works more as reminder rather than *you must accomplish this* and that works in my case.

  14. I love the one word thing for the new year. You picked such great ones from a great inspiration of a picture!

  15. I've actually seen a few blogs choosing a single word to represent the upcoming year and I love the concept! Unofficially I'll be joining on and would pick the word time. Just as a reminder than I shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to spend my time on myself rather than those around me. It's something I've struggled with in the past, being there for others but this year I want to put myself first.

  16. I love this! I think last year was probably tough for most people. You really couldn't go most places without hearing something negative. Hippy-dippy or not, those are all good words to keep in mind this year.

    Thanks for linking up my post - I appreciate it. :)


    1. I think everyone is tired of the fighting and constant negativity but it's hard to get away from...especially if you do anything that requires social media. There's no escape.

  17. I love this so much Karen! I don't do resolutions too but I create goals which is as bad as resolutions because I never really do all of them. And this one word concept sounds like a really good idea. I'm not sure what mine though, maybe I'll go for fearless? I've been a coward for the past two years and haven't really faced my fears but I am determine to finally face and conquer them this year. Wish me luck ;)

    Happy New Year!

    Vanessa @ Blushing Geek

    1. From a fellow coward I hope it helps! lol

      One word I was throwing around was uncomfortable. I tend to do things that are *safe* that's why I like this picture so much. I want to remember to keep dreaming and all that other stuff but also have courage.

  18. I'm looking forward to reading your post Heidi.

    It's so tough to block out the noise and still be part of society these days.

  19. That's such an interesting and great idea! You chose some great words :-) I hope you have a dream-filled, courageous, inspiring, harmonious year!

  20. Reading this gave me an idea for my 2018 word! Balance. So, thank you! I'm going to strive to be more balanced this year. I want to find time for my family, work and also myself. Plus, the dogs... it's a lot to squeeze into a day!

  21. I love the idea of a word or phrase for the new year. I think the word I will strive for this year is CLARITY.

  22. I do this as well! I did it on the blog last year but didn't do a post this year for it. I do it in true me form, though. lol Everyone in my planner group and all the bloggers I know are so proper with theirs. And then I'm over going with "Be Fucking Glorious". Heh
