For What It's Worth

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tell me something Tuesday: vampire or werewolf

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

For the month of October she has fun Halloween themed questions so go check out her blog for upcoming topics!

Question: Would you want to be a werewolf or a vampire?

When I first started reading paranormal, I would have said vampires. They’re immortal and have a savage beauty. Just think of all the things you can see living through generations of history in the making!

But then the more I read I just felt sad for them. Everyone around them dies and yet they go on. And really how many time scan you watch humans fuck up over and over again? What seems like a long time for us regarding history is just a blink of an eye to vampires and probably just illicit's an eye roll at how dumb we are.

I think you could be a cold, heartless vampire and live a life of debauchery and that would be fun if you want that but I wouldn’t want to be that kind of vampire so I think it would end up being a boring and sad life. Then there’s the whole can’t go out in the sun thing and not being able to eat real food *sobs*. So to being a vampire.

I would pick werewolf! You can heal faster, and although not immortal, you live a much longer life span than the average human.

You can live in both worlds – city life or a cabin in the woods, eat normal food, shift and play like a dog!

Aside from the whole agonizing bone crunching shift thing it sounds pretty awesome to me.

Which would you rather be?


  1. If you would have asked me a few days ago, I will say a vampire for sure. I love everything about them excluding 2 things and that's drinking blood and going to live an immortal life. Sure thing others might like living forever but it's sad. You see people dying everyday and you just remain the same, that's a bit lonely eh? If I could change those two, I would love to be a vampire. Werewolves on the other hand would be a great option but I don't like the bone shattering shifting. But if I've got a boyfriend as hot as Jacob (from the Eclipse) then I guess I'll choose to be a werewolf hihi

    1. That bone shifting is a pretty big downside! lol But if I had to choose I would still pick it over potentially living alone for eternity.

  2. I'm with you, Karen. I wanted to be a vampire and always loved a book with vampires in it, but then I started to think that they are probably the most loneliest being in the fantasy planet inlets their loved ones are vampires. I f I could choose I wanted to be just human which both vampire and werewolf love aka Bella. Haha 😆

    1. They all seem so sad after a while lol which one would I choose as a boyfriend?? Now that's a trickier question!

  3. I mean, you make a good case. I wouldn't want the immortality either. However... I can't not choose vampire. I've loved vampires since I was a teen, and I still love them. I've never been a fan of werewolves though. So if I had to choose one, it'd be vampire. I could finally know what they're *actually* like instead of just reading diff versions in books ;-)

    1. I still like reading about vampires (& prefer them over werewolves). Just not sure I would want to be one. But it's interesting that you bring up versions of it because some can go out during the day and do other things & some are just killing machines so I guess if you throw in the different types of vampires - I might change my answer again lol

      I didn't really start liking werewolves until Kelley Armstrongs Otherworld series.

    2. Maybe I ought to give that series a try then! I'm still choosing vampires though :-P

    3. That series started out a shifters but has a bit of everything. I think one of the novellas has a vampire that I really loved.

  4. You know, I keep reading people's answers and saying vampire because I'm a wimp and the shifting would hurt like crazy, but I don't have me wanting to say werewolf now. I'd probably be a really depressed vampire.


    1. lol That's hilarious!

      As Kristen brought up in the comment above you - there are different types of vampires so maybe we need to hold off on this decision until we know more lol

    2. Just wanted to point out there are also different versions of werewolves, and most that I've read don't hurt when they shift!

    3. Yes! And I should point out that I wouldn't want to be a werewolf that is out of control and needs to be locked up during a full moon!

      I've only read a few where it doesn't hurt but it seems to be one of those things you get used to lol

  5. If I was forced to pick one to live as for the rest of my life, I think I'd chose werewolf. But a nice wolf with a big furry coat and a waggy tail. People would want to give me belly rubs and ear scratches.

    Pretty sure I just want to be a pupper actually.

    1. Yeah - we don't want to be one of those werewolves that has to be locked up during the full moon lol

  6. It just seems kind of fun lol You can pretty much live as a human but romp around like a dog.

  7. I couldn't drink someone's blood for the rest of eternity. Gross! Also, what happens when humans destroy the world? What will the vampires drink then? They can't eat themselves, so they'd just wither away and die like everyone else. Besides, like you said, I would get tired of watching humans fuck everything up, so a takeover would happen (before everything was destroyed by humans), and then I would rule the world. (Hah!)

    I guess that means I choose werewolf, even though I cry over a paper cut, and I'm sure shifting is much more painful than childbirth. (I can't think of anything else to compare it to...) I do like the idea of running really fast and howling at the moon.

    1. Both have downsides but I guess if you must choose the were seems like the lesser of two evils and possibly fun.

  8. I'm like you, I'd originally pick vamp but now after reading so many UF/PNR I'd pick were lol

    1. I guess we need more happy vamp stories! lol

  9. hmm..good question. perhaps a hybrid of both. lol.

  10. This is such a hard question because I can see pros and cons to both. But I think I would choose to be a shifter. I love being able to change into a wolf, be part of a pack, and have a neat. And the cubs always sound so cute and fun.

    1. It seems more can sort of live a regular life but take a dip on the wild side lol

  11. Werewolf for me all the way! Not being undead is a plus, and you can have sort of a normal life. You know when you're not running through the woods on all fours howling. :) Plus you might have a pack to hang out with. And I'm not giving up pizza or Chinese food for blood lol.

    1. Yeah - the food thing is a big issue for me lol An all blood diet would be AWFUL

  12. I think I would rather be a werewolf because I'd have powers to shift and be strong and live a long time but I'd still be able to eat real food and not have to live off of blood.

  13. Bone crunching? LOL

    I would totally pick were! I could go out technically nude but still feel warm in my wolf-y coat. :D The curse of immortality would get me with the vampy side. Na, no thanks. :)

  14. Werewolf is my creature of choice. I can eat what I want, just have to make sure I avoid wolfs bane.

  15. I didn't really think about not eating real food! That would totally suck! That alone would make me want to be a werewolf instead. :)

  16. I used to think a vampire but more now its werewolf for healing and michael sheen was one too in underworld and a vamp in Breaking dawn.

  17. Mermaid. Hands down.

    Oh, that wasn't one of the options? Oh, okay....mermaid.
