Question: Best Horror Books
I was dating Kevin at the time and I remember bringing Pet Sematary with me whenever we went out with his friends. I sat in the backseat so I could keep reading and not be disturbed. lol It’s one of the few books that has ever scared me. I went into it thinking that it would be cool to revive your animals but definitely changed my mind on that!
I don’t scare easily so it’s hard for a horror book (or movie) to really grab my attention. My brain is too damn practical and I know it’s not real – especially when it comes to paranormal things. I do find them interesting – just not scary.
I’m terrified by things that are real – like serial killers/kidnappings/torture and I have so many nightmares that I can’t read those kinds of books. Like – I wasn’t afraid of Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs but the dude luring women into vans and skinning them freaked me the F out.
I do have quite a few spooky stories sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. I hope to get to at least a few of them this month.
The one I’m really curious to see my reaction is The Hatching. I’m not afraid of spiders/bugs so I wonder if I’ll be creeped out as much as everyone else was. Not being afraid is not the same as being ok with them crawling inside me and laying eggs though. lol
What are you favorite horror stories? Or do you have any spooky reads on your October reading pile?
I have never read Stephen King, believe it or not. I'm just not that into horror although I do like a good spooky thriller or mystery, especially at this time of year! Still, I've been tempted to read his stuff a few times, especially when they make a movie out of something and it gets me curious.
ReplyDeleteI could never read The Hatching. Uh-uh, no way lol.
After that binge read years ago, I stopped reading him because it was very repetitive.
DeleteI'll report back on the Hatching lol
I do read horror, but King is out of my reach. There's a level of body horror in his books that I can't stomach. I was able to read The Shining though.
ReplyDeleteIt's so you to bring a book with you on a group date 😂.
I love the Halloween display! (and the seasonal look of your blog, but you already know that).
I forgot to add that I HATE all things that can creep on you with a passion. Bugs, yuck. This namesake Supernatural episode is the only one in the series I didn't watch and never will. So, keep me away from bugs in books too LOL.
DeleteCreepy kids, slow moving people that just follow but don't talk scare me lol
DeleteYes, I was a really cool girlfriend. Reading in the backseat and telling my boyfriend not to bother me lol
I adore stephan king for that and making me scared. I remember reading him and being scared. I enjoyed Christopher Pike as a youth.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if his books would scare me now but they did back then.
DeleteI'm not into horror, unless it's a sub plot, like a crime book with a horror twist but pure horror I could never find myself reading. I'm tempted to go see IT though.
ReplyDeleteMe too! I just haven't had a chance to go to the movies in ages. Clowns don't scare me but they do creep me out. lol
DeleteI don't know how many straight up horror novels I've read, but I do like scary/mysterious/thriller type of books - way more than I used to! Real life scenarios definitely freak me out the most, but I still read them. And oh no, I couldn't handle The Hatching. I'm TERRIFIED of spiders.
I'm trying to get into thrillers more. Rachel Caine's new one is on KU so I'm going to read that this month I hope.
DeleteI love horror movies, but have not really read many horror books in my life. Kinda shameful for someone who loves Halloween so much. Lol. I'm going to read my first King book this month for sure. Like you, I get more freaked out when I read about things that could actually happen. But I love reading scary books and having that freaked out feeling.
ReplyDeleteI've seen quite a few horror movies because of my husband - he likes them but for the most part the don't scare me. Unless they have rape/torture kind of stuff and then I just can't watch.
DeleteI wish I got creeeped out more but paranormal stuff though.
I'M SCARED BY THE REALISTic THINGS TOO! I love horror butthe spookiest books are about the things that COULD happen. Ghosts, monsters, etc don't really do anything for me. Though IT did scare me... but I think that's more King's writing than a demon clown thing. LMAO.
ReplyDeleteBut there ARE weird clown people walking around Sarah! lol
DeleteI was a mystery, horror book junkie back when I was in high school and Stephen King was my TOP favorite! His latest book, IT, sounds SO good. I'm curious. ��❤️
ReplyDeleteHe also has another new one co-written with his son. Sleeping Beauties I think?
DeleteLove King and need to read more of his son Joe Hill...And I am 100% with you. Realistic horror is so much scarier because it feeds into realistic fears!
ReplyDeleteI didn't even realize his son was an author until recently. I'm so out of the loop lol
DeleteI ahven't read a horror book in quite a long time. I used to love Dean Koontz books though.
ReplyDeleteI've never read anything by him but I've always wanted to.
DeleteI do not watch or read anything that's scary. My mind might be practical when I'm awake, but I have very vivid dreams that will haunt me for days afterwards. My nightmares are always worse than the book/movie. Ack. Also, yay Kevin! He didn't run away screaming when you carried that book everywhere with you, lol.
ReplyDeleteI only have nightmares about real things - like I said serial killers etc.
DeleteI do have dreams about zombies but I'm usually kicking butt so it's ok lol
I think the last horror book I read was IT and it was back in high school as well lol
ReplyDeleteI don't remember if I ever read IT. I get confused as to whether I've read the books or seen the movies this many years later lol
DeleteI honestly was never a fan of real horror, I think the closest I got to it was Nancy Drew or Mary Higgins Clark.
ReplyDeleteOh I loved Nancy Drew!
DeleteI'm not a horror reader, but that's because I scare *too* easily lol. Btw I love your Jack thingy in the photo! I have lots of Nightmare stuff too, but that one is super cute.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of Jack knick knacks. It was fun to finally get to use one lol
DeleteI do love horror and also movies with serial killers etc. where there's blood all over. Yep, I'm weird hehe. But I'm always wondering why I only managed to read 1 horror book in my whole bookworm life, it's a true to life story actually. But I do have some few horror books in my list but haven't tried them yet. I've been meaning to try Stephen King for a long time now, and I guess I'll be doing it soon ;) My favorite horror movie? Hmm, I guess it's conjuring but I've been following insidious. For thrillers, I love saw, wrong turn, final destination, jeepers creepers and we'll, the purge ;)
ReplyDeleteI liked the Conjuring!
DeleteI sort of like the Purge but I feel like it's going to actually happen in real life one of these days
Oh yes real life can be so horrifying!
ReplyDeleteEven though I am a self-proclaimed wimp, I am like you... humans scare me more than anything else. What we can do to each other is horrifying. However, it isn't the story that gets to me but my imagination during or after the book is what gets to me. My brain loves to freak me out sometimes. Sometimes vivid imaginations are not good to have. :) I'm getting better and I'll send all my spiders to you. :)
ReplyDeleteSpiders don't scare me at all. It makes me laugh when people freak out. You can literally just squash them. They have no chance lol
DeleteNot that I want to cuddle up or anything - my husband was bit by a brown widow once but I don't freak out. Watch ...I will be killed by a spider!
I DO worry about them getting to the dogs though since we have brown relcuse's and widows
Not horror! Im not a big fan of horror... I prefer adventurous and mysteries.
ReplyDeleteWorkout leggings
I read Say Her Name and Horrorstor last week; both terrifies me!
ReplyDeleteTasya // The Literary Huntress
Oh I have to look both of those up.
DeleteI'm not a horror fan... I think my imagination is a little overactive! I also don't like the kidnapping/rape/murder type books for the same reason as you, that stuff CAN happen, and my brain can't handle it! I read to escape not give myself nightmares or make myself feel wretched. :)
ReplyDeleteI just don't find something that can and does happen to be as entertaining (as in horror movies like Saw etc) but I will also be afraid to leave the house lol
DeleteI can't watch any of the documentaries on those subjects either.
See I'm just a wuss. Real or fantasy horror. lol Living alone and with a herd that likes to make weird noises just...nope! lol