For What It's Worth

Saturday, January 3, 2015

#FitReaders Check-In #1


#FitReaders is hosted by The Geeky Blogger and That’s What I’m Talking About

I’m really not someone who does well with challenges so I didn’t join #FitReaders (formally known as #BookBlogWalkers) last year. But I did find myself motivated to get moving on the days I saw their tweets in my timeline or after reading their weekly check-in posts. On a day that I otherwise would have done nothing – I got up and did the elliptical or walked a few miles. This group feels more motivational than competitive and I need that.

Honestly, I don’t need to lose weight, but I am turning 50 in April so I have a few things I want to focus on. Keeping muscle tone and bone density, flexibility, balance and cardio and a few problem areas (two words – cottage cheese – you know what I mean ladies).

I had back troubles for most of 2014 that kept me from being able to do most exercises. When I got that under control I ended up with knee problems. So I’m not going to be doing any high intensity (HIIT training) or plyometrics. I just can’t without ending up in pain for a week so slow and steady it will be.

My goals are:

~ 3 days of toning (weights/resistance bands/or body weight)
~ 2 days of stretching/yoga (besides warm ups cool downs)
~ 2 –3 days cardio
~ 1 day adding something for a stubborn area – legs/butt/abs

Obviously some of that will overlap.

My first weekly check-in for 2015! 

(includes a few days from 2014 :-)

Monday – 40 minutes low impact cardio, 10 minutes lower body, 1 mile walk

Tuesday – 30 minutes yoga, 1 mile walk

Wednesday – 35 minutes strength, 1 mile walk

Thursday - 20 minutes cardio/abs, 20 minute stretch, 1 mile walk

Friday – 40 minutes yoga/body weight strength training, 1 mile walk


  1. Looks like you're off to a great start! I think that motivation is better, as who couldn't use motivation when trying to get into better shape? I need to come up with something I can do with my bad knees, as if I do too much it's painful. So far, I've been using an exercise bike, but thinking about trying yoga. Good luck!

    1. I do ok with the elliptical but I've started doing very low impact workouts. I know they are slower with results but I'm surprised at the changes I've made in a short time without having to jump and lunge everywhere. Walking is great too.

  2. Great goals and looks like you had a really good week!!! I find that knowing I will be posting a weekly check-in each week really motivates me to keep exercising. And now that I signed up to walk another 1/2 marathon in March, I really need to get back to training. Now I just need to get back to my yoga practice!

    1. That helps me too. It's not so much pressure as motivation which I like.

      I really need to do more yoga. I tend to only do it after I'm in pain and I need to do it so I don't end up that way in the first place!

  3. My back troubles derailed me too and I am trying to get back to regular exercise. Do you have a favorite back friendly workout or do you go to the gym?

    1. This is the yoga DVD that I used to help my back I couldn't work out at all before that.

      Now I do a lot of on line workouts. She has ones specifically for bad backs/knees/low impact and good stretch routines.

      I can't do any of the jumping high impact ones. It kills me after a day or so.

  4. Good luck! I hope signing up motivates you to get more active. I plan on getting more consistent with my routine and eating "healthy" but alas, I love food too much and then there's the ever present laziness/procrastination.

    1. I"ve been doing pretty well for a few months now. I have a no pressure routine. If I feel like doing more I do - if not then I just squeeze in a walk or 10 minutes of abs.

  5. Wow, you have always inspired me -- because of your runs and stuff. I should check out that DVD.

  6. Wow, great first week! Good luck with your goals!

  7. I like your mix of different exercises. You are off to a great start!

    1. I'm really trying to get that 2-3 days of upper body in. I have my first bone density test coming up soon. And osteoporosis is in my family.

  8. You made a great start for a new year! You made good goals with a mix of different exercises. I've also signed up for #FitReaders and I can't wait to get to know everyone in the challenge. Good luck on your goals and have a great year!!

    1. I've been doing this for a few months now so I'm already in the groove lol but it was watching the #BookBlogWalkers online vicariously that kept me going so I figured I would join in this year.

  9. I kind of wish I was more competitive but I recoil under pressure! lol

    I tried everything for my back and that DVD was the first thing that worked.
