For What It's Worth

Friday, January 24, 2014

Blogger ramblings: Help me discover new blogs!

So many of my favorite bloggers quit last year. I miss them like crazy. I have my small group that I still visit daily but I would like to discover a few new blogs to add to that list.

I’m looking for newer, smaller blogs (although older, larger blogs are fine too!). People with a fun style that’s unique to them. Books, music, personal or a mix of all those things is fine.

To get the ball rolling, I want to tell you all about a blog that I love -

3ddc021c8fa0f0000895213f7a0ec585Tales of Whimsy: books, mamahood & random loveliness

This is one of my favorite blogs to visit. Tales of Whimsy is a simple, inspirational blog that just forces me to relax and appreciate life whether she’s posting a book review, a crafty idea, or a beautiful picture.

She’s also reminds me to blog about what I love and simple is sometimes the best when it comes to posting.

So tell me – who are the blogs/bloggers that I should check out? Feel free to include links or Twitter handles so I can check it out.



  1. I love finding new blogs, too! I found Keertana's blog, Ivy Book Bindings, this year ( and I really love it. Also, I'll always love Jenny's blog, Supernatural Snark ( :)

    1. I love Jenny!

      I'm checking out Ivy Book Bindings right now - Thanks!

  2. Like you, I have a small group that I visit with daily -- I'd be sad to lose them! -- but I'm always on the lookout for new blogs to read. I just started reading the Book Swoon, a relatively new blog with a clean, simple design and style.

    1. I think most blogs are simplifying or at least becoming more about their own personality instead of cookie cutter. I'm glad to see it - I just wish we hadn't lost so many good bloggers.

  3. Awwwww OMG I am so excited that you featured me. *hug* I'm so honored. Thank you! *hug*

    Ok so here are my suggestions. Charlotte use to be a book blogger back in the day but these days at her new blog she posts art, books, recipes, and other lovely things at She's honestly sweet and fabulous.

    Another one of the top of my head is Shannon at She is so chic, funny, and always posts pretty and creative things.

    Happy hunting! :) And thanks again.

    1. Thanks - I just visited and love both of those blogs!

  4. I am always trying to find new other bloggers quit :/ But it's hard as I do want certain things

    1. When you read so many blogs it's hard to find new ones that stand out.

  5. Here are some book blogs that I love because they are personal friends (bias here) and/or just generally amazing. My friend Monica just started up at The Novelista ( and my friend Emma is freaking intelligent as all-get out at Booking Through 365 ( I also think you would like The Bloggess ( because she is the most inspiring person ever.

    1. Thank you!

      I do read The Blogess. I love how honestly she speaks about depression and other issues.

  6. Thanks! I don't follow enough non book blogs :-)

  7. Maja and Jenny's blogs are awesome. I'll be sure to check out the others.

  8. Hm.. I don't have one that hasn't been mentioned here or that I'm pretty sure you don't already know. Most of my faves are on my sidebar but I don't know if any are very new. Hm... must put on thinking cap that doesn't seem to fit today. :D

    1. I think I've already scanned your sidebar before lol That's how I find a lot of new blogs - along with links in the comments.

  9. Great idea for a feature! I will check her blog out!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  10. So sad when we see bloggers leave the sphere. Check out Ali@My Guilty Obsession, Lily @ Lily Ponds Reads, Kim @ Book Swoon

  11. I tend to put the blogs I like to visit in my sidebar, so I'd suggest looking there if you're curious! It's mostly book blogs, but I have few other ones too, like Why Girls are Weird. :)

  12. Great topic, Karen! I' going to peruse all the links in comments. I'm not following the blogosphere as intensely now so I was unaware of many blogs quitting :( To my shame I can't even suggest any new blogs, because I haven't gone looking.

  13. If you like this blog, I'm sure I will like it too. Going to go check it out.

  14. Juju's blog is very cute. I think we run in pretty much the same circles, but I always enjoy visiting Love is Not a Triangle, Flyleaf Review, YA Romantics, The Reader's Den (they do adult titles and romance as well), Starry-Eyed Revue, Ivy Book Bindings....and too many more to count. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  15. Looking forward to checking out all of the blogs mentioned, as I love finding fun new blogs. I recently rediscovered Jaime over at, who writes reviews and tidbits from her life. I really love how her personality shines through!
