Smash is here today!! Ash loves her owls so in honor of having her as my featured blogger today here's an owl picture for you.
*What is your name/blogger name? Ash, aka Smash Attack!
*What is the name of your blog? Smash Attack Reads!
*Do you have an auto-buy author, someone whose writing is so good, you have to read every single thing they write? Kim Harrison, Rachel Vincent, and Jeaniene Frost.
Karen - Haven't read Kim Harrison and I have Rachel's Shifter series staring at me right now but I'm 100 % with you on Jeaniene Frost.....and just in time - new Cat & Bones next week!!
*Who is your all-time favorite couple in literature, and why? (Or favorite male/female character Oh my. This is ridiculously hard but I am going with the first couple that pops into my head: John Matthew and Xhex from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. They have both endured severe trauma and find solace in one another, all the while remaining strong for the other. Their story makes me bawl like a teeny bopper.
*Do you have an e-reader? Do you prefer e-books or regular books, or use both? I won a Kindle over the holidays from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books! Crazy, I know. DEFINITELY my favorite gift last year. :-) I don’t have a preference and definitely love an old-fashioned book over the eReader any day. If I love the cover, I buy the hard copy. I will also buy hard copies for series I’ve already started collecting. Otherwise, I’ll likely get an eBook just because my space is quite limited at this point in my life. And because I have a KINDLE now! Woot!Karen: Congratulations! That is indeed a fabulous prize!

Karen - I see a few of my favorites in your TBR pile....get reading! LOL
*What's the best thing about blogging and reviewing books? See those TBR piles, about 80% of those books have come from winning contests, swapping / borrowing, and very recently, from receiving a lot of requests for reviews! For a broke ass graduate student, that is a major perk of being involved in this awesome community. However, that is not why I decided to create a book review blog. Books are a major part of my life and I truly want to share my love with others and talk books with people! There are only a select few people in my “real” life that are book junkies like myself, so I need an outlet to be a major book nerd!
Karen: I agree - one of the best things about blogging is sharing our obsession!
Thanks for stopping by Ash and if you don't follow her blog already get moving! She has awesome reviews and of course OWLS! (I'm a sucker for cute animal pictures)
Thanks, Karen! This was fun. Thank you SO much for that precious owl picture!! :D
Great interview! I agree READ KIM HARRISON!
ReplyDeleteLove ya, Smash! I'm still meaning to read Kim Harrison's UF.
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo!! Congrats on the Kindle!
ReplyDeleteTotally feel you about getting hard copies of pretty books. They're works of art! The new Jaci Burton release, for instance. Hm. ^__^
Awww man, I've still yet to read Lover Mine. I'm scared for what happens to Xhex! It can only be painful.
I found a new author to read :) Your reading pile looks like mine.
ReplyDeleteI stopped by your blog today.
John Matthew and Jeaniene Frost!! Yay! Love it!
ReplyDeleteHoly wow on winning the Kindle. That is freaking awesome! And don't you just love being a broke ass grad student. I know I do. :P