For What It's Worth

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Update: Life, Reading, Watching...

Hello, Hello! I hope you are all enjoying the summer (or at least surviving the heat - looking at you Roberta 😜).


I don't really love hot weather but I LOVE summer because of all the flowers and produce and live on huge salads. 

I also found this fantastic salad dressing over at Endless Meals - The Best Ever Kale Salad Dressing  It really stands up to the taste and texture of kale but I think it would be amazing with root vegetables or in veggie bowls. 

I never used to make my own dressings but I've bee experimenting (& finally cracking open all the cookbooks I own!). I haven't repurchased my standby Panera dressing yet either. 

a summer salad with lettuce, peaches, tomatoes, corn. In the center is an opened ball of burrata cheese, drizzled with olive oil. The round white plate is sitting in a black and white dotted tablecloth


After 7 months of testing and Dr visits, I finally got to the ENT (ear, nose & throat specialist) to discuss my breathing/coughing issues. Every Dr I saw kept telling me - THIS is who you have to see, they are the ones who can test you fully/properly. Welp, he looked down my nose and throat in the office - didn't see anything serious and basically said I have allergies and don't work out hard enough. 

Now - I work out doing cardio 5 days per week, yoga, walk, meditate etc. And my breathing problems are in situations that not one person has problems with unless they have other problems like asthma, COPD etc. My heart and lungs are ok (other than the small spots I have to have rechecked in November). 

He was supposed to be the Dr that did a full endoscope and testing to see if I have any obstructions, damage, infections or anything like that. I tried to talk to him about my reflux which causes severe coughing fits but he was like....hahaha, you're chasing down rabbit holes now. So continue with your speech therapist (who is helping me enormously because she gets it but can't fully fix it because that's not exactly what's wrong) and don't be lazy. So that's that. 

They tell you not to google your illness or research online - only talk to a specialist - but then they don't listen when you get to them. The Dr's that do get it aren't in the correct specialty to do the testing so you're stuck. The only reason I am living as well as I am with whatever tf is going on, is through my own research. SO frustrating. 

Sorry, I had some pent up venting to let out lol

On to lighter fare!

Man walking down a crowded . closed off street hosting a farmers market. He's wearing a longsleeve blueshort with jeans and sneakers. On his back is a grey backback that is holding a sable and whit sheltie. She is looking out to the right at the vendors and people passing by
Ripley is terrified of dogs & crowds so it's hard to take her to busy places but I want to continue working with her because she's come so far. We bought a backpack with the thought that she could still look at things but know she's safe up high up with Dad. I was sure she was going to be a brat kicking and twisting in there but nope - she loved it! Almost too much. Instead of sitting high and looking out, she hangs back like a heavy slug lol But it worked great. We did this a few times and now this past weekend she was able to walk around the farmers market more (out of the backpack) without panicking. 


I'm reading approximately 1 bajillion books at one time right now lol Here are the three audiobooks I'm listening to. TOTALLY different so I bounce around depending on my mood. 

The Love Hypothesis is one of my favorites but I haven't been able to get into anymore of Hazelwood's books since then. I thought I would switch to audio for Love, Theoretically and see if it made a difference. It did. At first, but now I'm realizing that TLH was a one shot thing with this author for me. Things are repetitive to the point of almost identical scenes and character traits (even though each book has a different premise). I don't want to harsh on anyone's else's love - this is just how I feel. ~ Goodreads (Source: received an ALC from the publisher via

There are No Stupid Science is kind of a science for dummies or science in a hurry. Elson answers reader questions in a quick, witty way. Some of the humor seems forced but it's a fun listen while driving or for short listening bursts. ~ Goodreads (Source: received an ALC from the publisher, via

Wool Omnibus is the series of short stories that the new Apple+ TV series is based on. I did a buddy watch with Greg and we have questions we don't feel like waiting 2 years to have answered - so now we're doing a buddy read. It's sticking very close to how the series unfolded but filling in a few blanks so I'm enjoying it. It's long though with 2 more books to the series, so it will be a while before I ever finish it lol ~ Goodreads (Source: Library loan)

I'm also reading The Undertaking of Hart & Mercy by Megan Bannon on my Kindle. I started this last night and was immediately smitten. It's been a long time that I was instantly drawn to a story and characters so I'm hoping this one holds! ~ Goodreads (Source: Purchased eons ago)

I've also had several others not even worth mentioning...


We've been on a bit of a documentary kick and watched docs about Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the new Wham! documentary. All on Netflix - all pretty good.

Ted Lasso, Silo and The After Party, Hijack on Apple+

Sweet Tooth S2 and Extraction 2 on Netflix

My rec is Nimona on Netflix. I wasn't too enamored with the trailer but the movie is the sweetest. 

Tell me what you've all been up to! 


  1. Sorry about the poor experience with your doctor. --sigh-- I know it's frustrating to be suffering and not be able to get answers. I am so excited to hear you are enjoying Hart & Mercy. That book was so good! Look at the pup in the backpack. OMG!

    1. It's super frustrating. Insurance makes you go through certain steps & each Dr on the way told me what was wrong (& I agree with them) but they didn't have the equipment to test and said the ENT would. But he just says that I need to work out more. I mean...I'm 58 and do more than most. I have my watch app to prove it but he did not care. And the things I lose my breath for are ridiculous. But oh

      Hart and Mercy is SO fun. Fingers crosses it stays that way for me!

  2. Omg doctors are so annoying at times!!! And I do google

  3. It took 10 years and I don't even know how many doctors for me to finally find one to do the right testing and find out that I had a thyroid problem that was causing all of my issues. Sometimes you just have to keep searching out doctors until you find one that that will actually figure out what's wrong.

    1. What's so annoying is that the Dr's I've had to go to on the way DO get it but aren't the specialists I need for the correct testing. I now have to wait a few months before I cna go back to the ENT (but a different one). I was really hopeful because I had several good Dr's in a row. I should have known lol

  4. I sometimes struggle with what dressing to use on kale. I like kale a lot but the dressing makes quite a big difference!

    Wow about the dr stuff. I absoluterly believe in researching online- it does make you an expert and is no substitute for expert medical advice- BUT I know in researching my mom's health issues I've learned a LOT and it's given me questions to ask. So yeah... we have the internet, there's no reason we can't be better advocate for ourselves by using it. Anyway- to your situation- yes the silos they're all in now are frustrating because yes you have to wait and the specialist may not even deliver.

    Wool! I like reading at a relaxed pace...

    I should watch the Wham! one.

    1. That dressing is SO GOOD! I didn't think the ingredients were anything special but I guess they are the perfect combo and amounts because mmmmmmm.

      We've gone on line a lot for Kevin's dad who has a rare cancer and it helped so much. We were able to get him in studies and help make better choices about treatment than what his initial Dr. told him.

    2. That's amazing, isn't it? And a little scary. Like, if we WEREN'T advocating for ourselves, what would the outcomes be?? Best wishes to his dad as well...

  5. The salad look amazing - like something from a restaurant. *That* was the feedback you got after waiting so long for the ENT? Unbelievable. And what a lousy doctor to brush aside your concerns. Any way you can get a referral to a different ENT? He was obvious a waste of time. My husband was having issues with constant throat-clearing, went to an ENT (and a gastro), had two endoscopies, plus a third (more invasive one that required going to the hospital). Such great care. Sorry you didn't get the same. :(

    1. What did your husband's problem end up being Tanya? My allergist & speech therapist suspect vocal cord dysfunction (& I'm getting therapy for that) and esophageal issues from GERD. I have problems in my throat rather than heartburn with reflux. They both wanted me to see the ENT for further testing. I've been coughing and choking to the point of tears for years now and they wanted to see if there is damage or possibly h pylori - which could be treated. But nope. The only reason I'm still in speech therapy is because the allergist got it approved before the ENT got to me.
      He literally put his hand up and laughed at me.
      I will be seeing a second ENT but I have to wait a few months between visits and for my therapy to finish so I can show what did/didn't work.

    2. We kept thinking his issue was somehow reflux-related. But 3 different endoscopies showed no issues. We then asked he be sent for allergy testing. He was positive for all sorts of triggers, the main ones being very similar to my own: dog dander, cat dander, dust, and many trees/grasses/weeds. By a stroke of luck (or serendipity) the allergist told him she'd had the same issue (constant throat-clearing) for years and it finally resolved once she figured out her triggers and started injections for them. It was like - finally, someone gets it! So he started the allergy shots back in March (3 shots every Monday) and the difference has been amazing. It was gradual but noticeable. The constant throat clearing is so much better - I'd say at least 80% gone. So thankful we finally (after 3-4 years) hit on the right specialty, the right doctor, and the right treatment.

      I so hope the same happens for you, Karen. I know you must be desperate for answers and relief.

    3. Oh wow! It's such a pain to work through. I'm glad you found someone who understood!
      I did have allergy testing and CT scans. I am allergic to dogs and a few other things that aren't a big deal here I live. But I have a deviated septum and polyps which combined with mucus block me faster than most people so I've been working on that.
      I have pretty much got my cough under control between diet (for the reflux) and speech therapy. My allergist diagnosed me with a vocal cord issue and started me on therapy and it's been super helpful to suppress the cough and open my airways.
      Now, my issue is more the unexplained labored breathing.
      I'm hoping to get someone different the next time and finally put all the pieces together.

    4. I wonder if instead of the ENT, you need a pulmonologist for the breathing issues? Just a thought.

    5. I replied last week but it never showed up. I had asked if you had maybe seen a pulmonologist yet?

    6. You were kicked to spam, I just broke you free lol
      But yes, that's where I would go next. The speech therapist put me on the treadmill this week (for me to show how I mange my breath during coughing episodes on exertion) and saw what I was talking about. And she agrees it is not just a vocal cord issue or a matter of working out more.
      She gave me some new breathwork exercises to do and we'll reassess next visit but then she can write up an official report to send to my Dr. I was so happy that someone (professional) saw it and agrees that it's not normal.

  6. Oh Karen... That doctor is HORRIBLE! Any doctor should take into consideration the patient's concerns, but to just tell you to work harder? I'm sorry - that's a bunch of crap. I'd go back to whomever referred you and tell them how this doctor brushed you off. Maybe get a second opinion?

    Sorry Hazelwood's follow up books aren't for you. I had hoped. We just got Apple TV to finish Ted Lasso (LOVED S3) and are going to try Silo. I've heard good things.

    I love the backpack - glad it seems to be helping!

    1. I can and will go back in a few months. To a different Dr of course. I have to wait to see what results I get from his *recommendations* and speech therapy. Then go from there if it doesn't help.

      I'm so glad you loved S3 of Ted Lasso!!! I had read so much hate for it and the finale but I loved it.

  7. "(or at least surviving the heat - looking at you Roberta 😜)"
    😂🥵😭 Today I was at the hairdresser's with no A/C and no fan (it was broken) and I thought hell had finally claimed me...

    "and don't be lazy"
    Stupid and offensive. Maybe do your job instead of looking down on your patient from your high seat, being prejudiced and not believing a word they say. I also wonder how many 50-and-counting people are strong and healthy enough to work out like he thinks they should. I think I can add "ableist" to my list of insults LOL. I assume that going to a different doctor would mean paying for it yourself?

    "Instead of sitting high and looking out, she hangs back like a heavy slug lol"
    Poor Kevin - she's not exactly a toy poodle LOL. At least the backpack helped!

    1. Yeah - I mean I'm almost 60 with knee and back issues and I DO work out. I should be able to walk to my mailbox without huffing an puffing. On the plus side, the speech therapy is helping with my vocal cord problem.

      I can go to another ENT but I have to finish my therapy first. I need to follow treatment plan (such as it is) & then if I have problems I can go back.

      It took some adjustments for Ripley lol I expected her to fight it so I was planning for that - not her being dead weight lol

      We're having a 4 day heatwave with a few days break then back to it so I guess this is just summer now for all of us.

  8. Ugh. I'm really sorry that you didn't get any answers after all that. My friend's son developed a chronic cough, and same... doctors came up with nothing. The one doctor said that he thought maybe it had become a reflex after having an untreated allergy and coughing for months, so he suggested that her son make a humming noise every time he wanted to cough instead of coughing. It worked. 😌

    The doggie backpack was a great idea! 🙌

    I have a salad dressing that I make based on a Pennsylvania Dutch dressing that my grandmother's friend used to make. It's not very healthy, though, ha ha. It was the only dressing that could get my son to eat green salad when he was little. He called it "salad sauce" and we still call it that. 😄 I only serve it on holidays now. 🙂

    I have the Wool series on my Kindle as one of those "books in action" ebooks, so it must have illustrations of some kind. I'm planning on reading them in November during Sci-Fi month.

    1. My allergist diagnosed my with vocal chord dysfunction and it's very similar. The humming doesn't work for me but I do have different things I learned in therapy that help suppress the cough.

      I'm going to have to look up this unhealthy dressing lol

      So the *Silo* series was originally short stories and a graphic novel (Wool). It took me awhile to figure the whole thing out. Unless you prefer the graphic novel you need to read the Wool Omnibus - that's a collection of the first 5 stories , then Shift, Dust.

  9. I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of these health issues and now have a specialist who won't listen. So incredibly frustrating. I've been going through some stuff as well and after complaining for years about the same issues, I finally have a doctor who is listening and doing the correct tests and making a plan so I'm not wiped out for half the month, every month. And I LOVE the doggie backpack idea!

    1. It's frustrating because the Dr's I've seen on the way understand but aren't the ones I need to see to fix it - the ones that don't understand lol The backpack has been a game changer. She can safely observe and get used to things, then walk around calmer later.

  10. Wow, I am SO sorry about the "doctor", if he should even be allowed to be called that. No one who does cardio 5x a week needs to "work out more" to freaking BREATHE normally, what even is this guy's problem?! Oh I know, he hates women. Legit that is the only explanation, and I want to stab him. Is there another ENT you can try? And like, report this one to the medical board or something? I am legit so angry on your behalf, this is so unfair to you!

    The Ripley backpack is SO CUTE oh my goodness! Such a fun idea! I loved Silo, I feel like I don't want to read the books because I don't want to be spoiled for the show? But... then I also kind of want to know stuff! I also need to watch Sweet Tooth S2 but I keep putting it off, whoops. So glad you are loving Hart & Mercy, that is such a favorite of mine! Oh and I started Hijack so hopefully that goes okay! Makes me not want to fly, that is for sure heh.

    1. It was really annoying because I HAD to go through all the other Dr's to get to the referral for him. My allergist was great but not who can help me. I'm seeing a speech therapist right now who has been helpful. She put me on the treadmill this morning and was like...ok that's not normal and you should definitely being seeing a pulmonologists. She's not the one who can refer me but it will be helpful to have her recommendation/input for when I try again.

      I rarely read and watch the same story. It messes with my head or ruins one/or the other for me but in this case, I felt Wool really complimented the TV show.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your frustrating doctor experience. That's terrible. He's definitely NOT listening. There's nothing wrong with researching on your own either. My mom had a doctor tell her that her heart issue would improve if she drank more water. He was an idiot, needless to say. Luckily she found a great doctor who listened. I hope you can find help with a different doc.

    I pinned the kale salad dressing recipe! It sounds yummy. Kale needs all the sprucing up it can get, lol.

    1. I know they see a lot of people and don't know everything but the pure dismissal of what I was trying to tell him - he literally held up his hand and laughed. And told me to go workout.
      I'm glad your mom found someone good. That's HORRIBLE.
      I do like kale lol but it's hard to find a dressing that can stand up to and improve it. This was a winner!

  12. It can be incredibly frustrating to get the healthcare you need. We've been facing months long delays in getting my husband in with a specialist after his stint in the hospital last month. Thankfully he's on a good treatment plan for now, but it would be great to get some clearer answers and a more concrete plan for the future. All that's to say, I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I feel your pain.

    The one positive to come out of his health struggles is that I've taken it as an opportunity to refocus on my own health. It is crazy how consistent healthy diet and exercise can make you feel better. I'm down 15 pounds so far, and I feel great!

    I love the dog in the backpack. Our poodle Murphy faced some similar reservations in public places. It didn't help that he's a pandemic puppy. He didn't really go anywhere or meet anyone for the first year and a half of his life. We had to do a lot of work just taking him places with us and letting him sit and observe his surroundings. Now he's ready to go wherever we go haha.

    1. I'm sorry you're going through that too.
      I went through a similar refocusing on health watching my dad suffer with Parkinson's. I took a lot of his specialists advice going forward. That's why it's so frustrating to hear that I should just work out more. I do! Lol

      My two are pandemic puppies too! Plus Ripley was from a parvo litter and had 0 contact with any people or dogs other than her one caretaker for her initial 3 months. We're getting there though.

  13. That salad looks so delicious! I'm sorry you're dealing with the doctor problems. It's awful that so many of them are like that. It's why I've never been able to find help for my chronic illness, my chronic injuries, any of my problems. Yay Nimona movie! It is so sweet.

    1. It's very annoying - as you know. Nimona was soooo cute.

  14. That's awful about the doctor. I've been mostly lucky with mine, and I know that can be rare since I've seen and have to see a ton of them for various things. I hope someone can figure things out and help more.

    Aw, Ripley is so cute. That's great the backpack worked out so well.

    I haven't read Ali Hazelwood (yet) but I have heard the books are very similar.

    Lauren @

    1. Luckily, my speech therapist has been great and keeps pursuing options for me.

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