
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

would you rather for book nerds

I have family visiting and I'm headed to ALA so I'm going to be a little scarce around here and with commenting for a little bit, but I saw this fun Would You Rather tag over on Sunny Buzzy Books and it sounded fun so I decided to join in.

1. Would you rather have a friend who loses your books, or one who dog-ears them?

I’ve had friends lose my books so dog ear. Of course, I only loan to my most trusted friends now and they would replace my book if they ever lost it so maybe lose?? lol

2. Would you rather secretly love a book everyone else hates, or secretly hate a book everyone else loves?

I’m not so secret about these things – I say what I think either way but I guess if I had to choose I would rather love a book everyone else hates because hey! I still read a great book right?
I always hate books everyone loves so that’s more likely to happen though

3. Would you rather be stuck on a very long plane or train ride without a book?

I can’t read in public places so neither but I guess the plane because at least there are TV/movies on the plane. and it’s usually a shorter trip.

4. Would you rather have dinner with your favorite author or your favorite character?

A favorite character! Although I have had dinner with two favorite authors and it was fun.

How about my favorite author WITH my favorite character they wrote? Wouldn’t that be fun??!!
Maybe the character would complain about something the author wrote and there would be a food fight. lol

5. Would you rather date a character you have a crush on or your crush from real life?

Book crushes are usually kind of perfect so maybe the character because then it’s mostly guaranteed to go well. But it seems unhealthy. lol

And I married my real life crush so...AWWWW lol

6. Would you rather have your favorite book turned into a movie, or your favorite movie turned into a book?

I don’t like many movie adaptations so I don’t usually watch them and once I see the movie then same problem – I won’t like the book I don’t think.

7. Would you rather read a book with an annoying cliffhanger, or one where your favorite character is killed off?

Cliffhanger. I don’t like them but at least there’s a chance the character is alive.

Dead is dead.'s a cliffhanger in disguise and they are really alive. Hmmmm

8. Would you rather lose the ability to read any new books, or the ability to reread books you’ve already read?

The ability to re-read. I used to re-read ALL the time but I’ve been to overwhelmed by newer books to bother. I do want to get back into re-reading my faves but to not have ANY new books. No.

But what if they’re all awful and then I don’t have my gaurenteed good re-reads?? Sophie’s choice.

9. Would you rather live in a library or a bookstore?

Bookstore. There’s food & coffee (hopefully!), usually a stationary section, new books…

10. Would you rather lose your place or get a paper cut every time you read a book?

Lose my place.

Why would I want a paper cut??? OW! And I’m actually pretty good at remembering when I am – even without a bookmark (although I do use them)

11. Would you rather have to always read in the dark, or always read books with tiny text?

I can’t see tiny text anymore. I need strong reading glasses now so I guess dark. But both would be bad for my eyes. I do read my Kindle in bed but it’s backlit.

12. Would you rather read by a fireplace, or on the beach?

Fireplace. As I said earlier – I can’t read in public so the beach is a no go. Hopefully, this is in a big comfy chair in front of the fireplace.

What are some of your Would You Rather answers? If you decide to join in leave a link so I can check it out!


  1. Quote: "How about my favorite author WITH my favorite character they wrote? Wouldn’t that be fun??!!
    Maybe the character would complain about something the author wrote and there would be a food fight. lol"
    That's creative! 😂

    Have a nice family and ALA time!

    1. Ha! I always think of what could go wrong instead of the bright side lol

      I hope to!

  2. I dislike books that others love All.The. Time. So no issue there. :) I’ve also had dinner with my favorite writing duo a couple times so I would choose fave character, too. Or, like you said, the author and character together! Hey, it’s fictional... we can be greedy. :) Question 10 - is anyone actually going to choose a paper cut? WHo are these sadists? What a bizarre question. LOL

    1. It was bizarre - paper cuts hurt like &%($%(!! lol

  3. This is so much fun! I agree with you about the plane. I never have any luck reading in public (too many distractions), so I'd much rather be stuck for a shorter time with free entertainment!

    1. Plus I hate flying so I need catty reality or nature shows to distract me :-)

  4. Cool questions, and I love your answers. I can't read in public places either. I'm too nervous about people around me and can't concentrate.

    1. I get super distracted and also hate if anyone starts a convo asking about my book so I don't bother trying. I can read with the tv or music in the background though.

  5. i wish I could still re-read too! I miss those days

  6. Oh my god I love authors, but I cannot lie I love their characters more XD. I feel so guilty for say that lol. Can you tag me too this seems so fun, and I know this is shameless self promotion BUT IT'S NECESSARY SO PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

    1. Join in! I tagged myself so I don't see why you couldn't couldn't lol

  7. Dinner with my favorite author or character...I would pick character too. A vampire. LOL

    1. That would be fun!
      But like a sexy vampire right?? Lol

  8. I've been really bad about re-reading books lately, but I want to do better! I have some favorites that I need to revisit. However, like you... there's so many new books to read, so how do you choose?!

    I can't read on the beach... too much sand. I feel like my books are gritty for weeks afterward. I love snuggling up next to a fire with a book and hot chocolate. Mmm. Is it winter yet?

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I really want to and I had finally caught up with my reading so I would have had time. But now I'm going to ALA lol

  9. Ah this was such a fun post- I just might tag myself! :D Loved reading through your answers! I totally agree with you regarding reading in public- unless it's when I'm commuting I don't particularly enjoy reading in public, I'd choose the fireplace too!

    1. I hope you do. This was a fun one!

      I'm get too distracted by conversations around me and I hate when people try talking to me when I'm reading.

  10. Have fun at ALA!

    PS> Fun post...I may do it myself to help me get back into things!

    1. Thanks! We had fun. I hope you joined in and it will be fin to have you back!

  11. great answeres here, this is so fun :D

    have a great time away

  12. How fun!! I'd say if they replace it I'd rather they lose it haha

    1. If it's friends I trust - I know they will replace but I've had a few that lost it and insist they didn't even borrow anything O_o

  13. My answer for #2 would be exactly the same, haha. I'm not secret about my feelings on books, regardless of what others think. And I'd rather find great books, but more often than not I don't like the popular ones everyone seems to love. I agree with most of you answers actually. Very sound reasoning lol. Yes, dinner with an author AND their character would be very cool! I'm curious why you can't read in public though. Is it just too distracting?

    1. I get too distracted by the noise and people trying to figure out what I'm reading. Which is interesting...because I can read at home with the tv on.

  14. I must admit, I'm not usually a fan of film adaptations. We all interpret books so differently and the few I've seen over the years have been horrific apart from The Hunger Games. The last straw was Percy Jackson. I'd put off watching them then wish I hadn't caved. Jesus what a mess those were. Thank heavens for the Kindle Paperwhite! My eyes aren't as great as they used to be and I have to wear glasses to read now too, the Paperwhite is a godsend. I can increase the font and the light doesn't disturb the husband either. Reading in public, I can but not reading while in a vehicle. Even thirty plus years later it still makes me ill ♥♥♥

  15. I would totally want to have dinner with a character rather than an author! For one thing I think it might be a little easier- the author might be kinda nerve wracking, whereas a character- well they're fictional so maybe less pressure? ha ha! And definitely bookstore. and fireplace!

    Hope ALA is going well!

    1. I feel like we know the characters more??? lol We're inside their head so it seems that way.

  16. I think I'd rather be stuck on a train without a book. Our one 6hr flight coming home had no movies (unless you downloaded their app on your device and blah blah blah. So I wound up trying to read. Which was very difficult because those chairs are so uncomfortable and cramped. I've never been on a long haul train ride before but I imagine they are more spacious and comfy.

    1. I get claustrophobic so I think I would need the book to distract me lol I watch tv or listen to podcasts when I fly.

  17. Kudos to you for marrying your real life crush. That's a romance story that sounds fabulous. I agree - in a bookstore, we may as well find something to snack on while reading all those neat books! Hugs...RO

    1. I'm all about the food - even when reading lol

  18. I love this tag! I think meeting a favorite character would be amazing - as well as dating my bookish crush. ;)


    1. I hope you join in the tag Lauren. This was a fun one.

  19. Wow some of these questions are tough! I'd rather lose the ability to re-read than lose the ability to read new books...but I do love re-reading. Awww married to your real life crush! Guess that means the two weeks of togetherness is going well, eh? ;)

    1. Same with the re-reading. I like to but to never read a new book...eeee no.

      We are having fun so far! A few more days to go lol

  20. Awww this was so fun to read!! Also, who in their right mind would willingly give themselves a paper cut?! I’d love to have dinner with my favorite author and a character they created—how fun!

    I love that you are married to your real life crush ❤️ swoon! Hope you are enjoying the conference and can’t wait to hear all about it!

    1. I had a great time!

      I'm wondering if ANYONE picked paper cut lol

  21. 😉

    Enjoy ALA and the family time!

  22. Give me the romantic fireplace any day Karen! Hugs and Happy Thursday! RO

    1. Yeah - cuddled inside and warm is better!

  23. Argh! Some of them are hard choices! But I'm with you... Cliffhangers and a fireplace!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

    1. I know! I liked this tag - I had to think a little bit.

  24. Some of those are easy no-brainers, but some are a neither/nor answer. LOL Fun to see what you thought. I will read in public so that would change those would have different answers, but I think most of the others are along the same lines.
    Enjoy your visit and your trip. :)

    1. I get too distracted but I can read at home with the tv on which is strange.

  25. I really do love this "would you rather" interview. I would prefer to read by the fireplace as well, unless the beach is more private and less busy.

    1. I hope you do!

      I don't think I could read at the beach even if it was quiet. I would either walk around/go int he water/or sleep lol

  26. Dog ear! I don't do it, but as long as it isn't too bad I'm fine with it. My mom has lent out my books before and she is too sweet to say no to someone who asks. Some were books that aren't in print anymore and I can't find a couple. Yea, she is banned from loaning my books but she can personally borrow any one she wants. I just told her to let me be the baddie to say no. LOL

    1. I loan to my blogger peeps because they *get it* but I had loaned a few dog behavior books to a neighbor & she never returned them/said I didn't loan them to her. And they're fairly expensive to replace.

  27. Oh dinner with a favorite character would be awesome :)

  28. I also can't really read at the beach, the heat and pondering while looking at the sky always seems so much better to me lol

    Tori @ In Tori Lex
