
Thursday, June 14, 2018

whatever wednesday: summer fun a to z


TBB Asks is hosted by The Blended Blog

1. Walk or bike ride? I just started bike riding over the winter and I loved it. It’s waaaay too hot to do it in the summer though – so walking but either early in the morning or very late afternoon.

2. Favorite picnic food? I’ll eat anything lol I don’t really picnic but if we go to the beach I bring PB&J sandwiches, fruit and some chips.

3. Pool or lake? Pool! I live in FL so while I love lakes – GATORS, and brain-eating amoeba that goes up your nose and kills you so NOPE.

4. Favorite flavor of ice cream? Oooh I love most flavors of ice cream. Coffee, pistachio, cookie dough, even vanilla…I like it all.

5. Ice cream cone or in a dish? If it’s really hot, then a dish because I can’t eat it fast enough before it melts. If it’s a little cooler then a cone because…mmmm cones. 

6. Flip flops or slides? I guess flip flops but I usually just wear sneakers.

7. Jean shorts or jean capris? Shorts. I’m only 5 feet tall so capris make me look chopped in half lol

8. Favorite summer fruit? I LOVE fruit of any kind but I guess watermelon for summer. I feel hydrated after I eat it when it’s hot.

9. Corn on the cob or cut off the cob? On the cob – loads of butter and a little salt. Even if it’s super messy. And we always leave one row for the dogs who nibble when we’re done :-)

10. Favorite summertime song? I love The Boys of Summer by Don Henley but the song that makes me all summery – happy is Island in the Sun by Weezer. The video is adorable. Puppies. Kittens. Baby animals!

11. Favorite summertime activity? Olympic style couch sitting and ice water drinking. I mean…I’m in FL. I just try not to move much until October lol

12. Favorite berry? I love all berries! Sadly, our berry season is in the late winter/early fall. (basically winter is my summer)

*Do you sense a theme?? I like food lol

13. Bikinis, tankinis or one pieces? I own them all but I guess it depends where I’m going. At home – bikini, to the beach or public pools – probably a tankini or one piece. I usually wear a swim guard shirt too to protect myself from the sun so it doesn't really matter.

14. Dresses or skirts? I have just recently started wearing skirts and dresses. It still feels weird to me but it is a heck of a lot cooler than wearing shorts.

15. One word to describe summer? HOOOOOOOOOT


  1. Brain-eating amoeba?!?! I didn't know such a thing existed. Sounds like a sci-fi monster!

    Yay! I finally found something that we have in common! I'm barely over 5 feet myself - more accurately, that would be around 154 cm. I've never cared about that though - being tall is overrated (unless you have to pick up stuff from a shelf that's barely out of reach...). I don't even wear heels to compensate (except in winter, when I wear boots, but never high-heel ones - while in the summer I can always be seen in loafers!).

    I gave up on skirts and dresses a lifetime ago. In winter I'm too cold, and in summer my legs are too white, since I never go to the beach. Also, as I said...loafers. Sandals are not my thing, and loafers don't sit well with skirts. I'm always in trousers...which I have an array of colours/prints to choose from!

    Olympic style couch sitting is another thing we have in common. Except, you get to hike and bike sometimes, while I'm in no position to do that.

    Quote: "*Do you sense a theme?? I like food lol".
    Nope. That didn't even occur to me once while I was reading this post πŸ˜πŸ˜‚.

    1. I don't (can't) wear heels either. I had foot issues as a child and needed inserts but honestly, I can't stand or walk in them anyway. I wear those Keds slip on sneakers with my dresses. And by dresses I mean those super casual - almost athletic style dresses they have out now. I don't feel comfortable in anything frilly or fancy.

      It's almost always about the food for me lol

    2. Quote: "I don't feel comfortable in anything frilly or fancy."
      I don't do frilly either. OMG, are we becoming one and the same?!?! πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚

  2. I love all the food questions!! LOVE corn on the cob and watermelon. I can't imagine how hot it must be in Florida in the summer. I don't think I could take it!

    1. There's the heat - which is awful - but then the humidity makes it so much worse. I can enjoy April and May but then it's indoors for me!

  3. Picnics... meh. I’m not an outdoorsy kind of girl. And in the summer? Yeah, I just dash from one air conditioned place to another. :) Totally with you on the pool thing. Olympic style couch sitting. Bahaha! I’ll race you for the gold medal! =D

    1. I'm more outdoorsy in the winter. In the summer I'm like you - a/c to a/c lol

  4. I definitely couldn't live in Florida year round. I love summer, but hot in Ohio is nothing like what you put up with!! I love PB&J :) LOL...Olympic style couch sitting. I go for that gold in the winter.

    1. I love fall and spring here. Summer I like to look outside and enjoy my garden but going out in it is another matter lol

      Looks like we could build a team for Olympic Couch Sitting!

  5. I'm starting school again in two Mondays and will be doing a lot of biking to and from the university. I'm not looking forward to doing it in the heat, but it's better than parking in outer Zimbabwe, I think. Maybe. I guess we'll have to see.

    1. You're in UT right? My SIL lives in Heber City and I think she mentioned that it gets pretty hot?

      Good luck with school Jenni!

  6. Oh gosh, I love food too. Watermelon - yes!! I like ice cream on a cone because you can eat it! But yeah, dish if it's too hot because man, those things can melt quick and I get it EVERYWHERE. lol


    1. Cones are better! But losing it all on my shirt is worse lol

  7. I always leave a row on corn for my doggies too. It so amusing to watch them nibble off!

    1. Ha! they all have different techniques. Indy goes straight down the row nibbling, Fonzi puts his mouth on the whole ear and then pulls off.

      I had a cat that was obsessed with the husks. We had to throw them out right away or he would eat them all lol

  8. My favorite picnic food has always been cold fried chicken. Though we hardly ever had it as a kid. It was mostly hamburgers and hot dogs.

    1. I like cold chicken but not cold skin. I like it hot and crispy. lol But occasional if we go to the beach we'll pick up some Publix fried chicken.

  9. Omg bike all the way!!! Walking is for suckers!! Hahaha, well except for when out with the stroller, ahem

    1. If the weather was cooler I would bike ride but I like walking too.

  10. I love this post! I'm also in Florida, so you wouldn't catch me in a lake for any amount of money XD

  11. Watermelon is such a summer fruit! And delicious! I wear flip flops even when it's not summer lol. I just always wear them. I didn't know we had brain-eating amoeba though??? I used to wear skirts all the time but stopped eventually. They're just not as comfy for me as shorts since I always worry that I'm gonna flash people or something lol.

    1. I have foot problems so I can't wear flip flops and the dresses started because I had a (minor) surgery on my leg and couldn't wear anything that rubbed against it.

      I'm always worried about he flashing too so I limit when and where I wear them.

      I'm wear shorts way more.

  12. LOL I love your favorite summer activity. Agreed though I'm in upstate NY so my excuse is the humidity. And omg I would NEVER go in a lake in FL. Nope. No way. Not if you paid me. those gators and amoebas are a big fat NO.

    1. I used to live in upstate NY and in some ways it was worse. It's hotter here but almost everything has central A/C. Whereas in NY I slept with a fan blowing almost directly over the bed because it was so hot.

      We once swam with otters and manatee int he springs. That was fun but the water still scares me.

  13. I am with you about lakes, haha. I guess watching these sci-fi movies influenced me a lot on that, lol.

    Blushing Geek

  14. Ohhh is this a tag! Gosh it feel so summer XD. If it is, can you tag me (please excuse my shameless self-promotion ahaha)

    I'VE ACTUALLY NEVER GOT TO PICNIC EVER I'M SO SAD. Seriously, it definitely on my bucket list. And I geniuenly relate on that last one on the spiritual level.

    1. I totally forgot to link to The Blended Blog in the post but they host these tags every month so feel free to join in whenever you want!

      Check on there around the first week of every month to get the new ones.

  15. Wish I could find a nice summer dress to wear. Alas i'm totally the wrong shape.

    Great Meme, I'm with you on the ice-cream ... just not coffee.

    1. I'm short and can't wear heels so that limits what I can wear for dresses. I stick with sporty styles rather than fancy. And really I don't wear them often. I like shorts.

  16. Summer: HOT. I couldn't agree more :) Oh and I love both of those songs.

  17. I agree about walking vs bike riding. Biking is fun but not during hell season er I mean summer. Corn on the cob is like movie popcorn- the more butter/ salt, the better. Well, within reason lol. But yeah I like it buttery...

    The Boys of Summer just FEELS like a summertime song- so true. That and Dancing in the Dark by Bruce springsteen, for me- have no idea why, but always makes me feel like summer. :)

  18. Summer is brutal in Texas too, neighbor. Like you, I try to move until October, but the kids and dogs get antsy. I try to take them all out really early in the morning to walk/play, or once it gets dark. We have to avoid the heat AND mosquitos, so it's a challenge. Swimming is nice, but not always convenient.

    Watermelon is amazing and I love eating it all summer! Also, fresh garden tomatoes. Mmm. <3

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. We do the same. Everything is really early or late. Luckily we have a pool.

  19. Brain eating amoeba or gators? I'd pick the pool too! Summer is pretty hot here where I live in California, too, so any biking or running has to be done early or late as well. I trained for a half-marathon to run in October and it was a bitch to try and get my running in because it was so freaking hot. My last one was the beginning of May so my training was much easier.

    Love all kinds of fruit and berries as well. Fun post, Karen! :)

    1. Oh yeah - having to train when it's hot. But I bet the actual marathon felt like a relief in October lol

  20. The gators and amoeba DO NOT sound appealing. I've never swum in a lake before, since we don't really have any where I live. But oooh I totally feel the same way about the ice cream question--I would love to eat them in a cone (especially if they're not sugar cones, since I really love the original ones), but I eat wayyy too slowly and would need a cup! And heck yes to butter and salt on my corn! *heart eyes*

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I love those wafer cones if that's what you mean. Mmmmmmm

  21. You make lakes sound so awesome, NOT! I grew up in NY, but we spent summers upstate to get out of the city, and I spent my summers swimming, fishing, and rowing on the lake.

    1. Ii think I would be fine with them in NY lol

      I've been inner tubing and snorkeling down here a few times in our springs.

  22. Lakes are scary to me. There's muck at the bottom, there are plants that feel like they are grabbing your feet. And the gator situation in Florida is so scary - I am still having nightmares about the poor woman walking her dogs. Slides just fly off my feet - I think I walk too fast. All ice cream is good.
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. We have springs which are clear and always cool but they do have gators and that amoeba so nope.

  23. Oh my to the brain-eating amoeba O_O

  24. Ugh hot. Yeah that's life here and it's making me growly. lol

    Ha! Yes, that's my thoughts on water pretty much. Though pools aren't even safe since we get alligators and coyotes in them. Ugh!

    1. Luckily my pool is enclosed so I'm down to 1 or 2 risk factors lol

  25. Brain-eating amoeba that goes up your nose !! OMG!!

    1. Yes! FL is a dangerous place lol

      Yesterday we set a record with 380-something jelly fish stings at the beach

  26. I'm really short too at 5ft tall all carpris look wrong and I can't but maxi dresses because they are way too long! Hope your enjoying summer!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

    1. Same. I look ridiculous in either one. I wear those kind of athletic dresses that would be short on anyone else but come knee length on me lol

  27. Fun to read your answers. I don't think I could do summer in Florida, either. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do spring or fall either the way I prefer the cold.
    Love that you're biking in the good weather.
    Love all the foods there- ice cream, berries, watermelon, corn on the cob. Hungry now. :)

  28. Thank goodness it's winter here, you're summer is so much like ours too Karen. It's sweltering and there's no let up from the oppressive heat either. It's often still above thirty, late eighties Fahrenheit when we're going to bed. Thank goodness for air conditioning! I'm blog hopping tonight and everyone seems to be talking about fooooooood. Gosh, by the time summer rolls around again I'll be a rotund little porker.

    1. Hehe - eeeeat Kelly EAT lol

      We have central air almost everywhere in FL so that makes it slightly easier.

  29. Dresses and skirts are the best when it comes to keeping the airflow circulating when it's suuuuper hot outside. It gets brutal here in Ontario, I can't even imagine what it's like in Florida during the summer. I agree, all foods are good picnic foods. But I usually require wine in a can. LOL. #classylady

    1. Ha! I don't think I've seen wine in a can. I don't drink so I don't know. I've seen it in a box.

  30. Uhm, swimming in lakes in FL sounds downright scary af lol. You have fun answers to this one! Yrs to all the summer food, and ❤️ That you save a row of corn for the pups, so sweet!

    Island in the Sun is a great song/video—thx for sharing!

    1. Just this week they added like 5 other scary things in FL water so NO THANKS! lol

  31. All the Florida talk is making me twitchy for a holiday! We love visiting Florida. It's off the table this year (and probably next) because of the house but maybe 2020... πŸ™‚

    P.S - I totally snorted tea out my nose laughing at the pool or lake question.

  32. Great post! I agree about the dresses and skirts!
    Enjoy your summer... it's cool in Australia!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

    1. But you get the heat while I'm playing outside int he cool weather! We need to move around all year lol

  33. Love the vid. :D

    Yea, I can't imagine a summer in FL. But then again we are surrounded by fire so I would love to have a summer in FL right now. LOL I have been wanting to wear more skirts but the boy pup likes to flip the skirt and the monster pup is following his lead.

    Btw, I was thinking that the brain eating amoeba would starve in some people. LOL

    1. "I was thinking that the brain eating amoeba would starve in some people. LOL"

      LMAO That's the best thing I've read all day...all week...all year lol
