For What It's Worth

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

tell me something tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

Question: What are good series for younger/MG readers?

I don’t read a lot of MG or very young leaning YA, but other than the obvious – Harry Potter, Percy Jackson series – I’ll recomend one of my favorite series, MG or otherwise, The All Four Stars trilogy by Tara Dairman ~ GOODREADS


Summary for All Four Stars, (All Four Stars #1)

“Meet Gladys Gatsby: New York’s toughest restaurant critic. (Just don’t tell anyone that she’s in sixth grade.)

Gladys Gatsby has been cooking gourmet dishes since the age of seven, only her fast-food-loving parents have no idea! Now she’s eleven, and after a crème brûlée accident (just a small fire), Gladys is cut off from the kitchen (and her allowance). She’s devastated but soon finds just the right opportunity to pay her parents back when she’s mistakenly contacted to write a restaurant review for one of the largest newspapers in the world.

But in order to meet her deadline and keep her dream job, Gladys must cook her way into the heart of her sixth-grade archenemy and sneak into New York City—all while keeping her identity a secret! Easy as pie, right?”

This is one of the most adorable series I’ve ever read and I recommend it to readers, young and old, especially if you love food, travel and spunky, determined little girls.


  1. I hardly read MG but this sounds adorable and hilarious! Also, her day job?!

  2. This sounds adorable! It’s exceedingly rare that I pick up MG (I can only think of one book in the last 5+ years Ha!) but I like the sound of Gladys. This is a young lady who obviously knows what she wants and is going to make it happen! :)

    1. Yeah, she's great! I wish I was as confidant as her lol

  3. Aw this sounds really cute. I don't think I've heard of this series. I actually really like MG books just for myself, but I'm ready for my nieces and nephew to get old enough to read MG books so I can suggest things for them too.


    1. I've reviewed all the books int he past but the series is complete now and it's perfect for anyone!

  4. This is not a genre I read, but this does sound super adorable.

    1. It really is. And I think it's a series for readers of any age.

  5. I don't read MG often, but I love those covers. They're so pretty. They draw me in and make me want to read them. Plus your recommendation makes it seem like a slam dunk. Going on my TBR. :D

  6. I'm glad you did this! I've been looking at new MG books to read to W. We've gone through the obvious two (Harry Potter and Percy Jackson), but I also don't normally read a lot of MG. I guess I'm going to start! Lol!

    We're currently reading The Trials of Morrigan Crow, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! It was an odd start, but it definitely picks up. We're almost finished with it, and I've been looking for what to read to him next.

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. this is a super cute series - fun but also a few lessons in there too.

  7. I hope you try it! Let me know what you think if you do.

  8. I've never heard of this series before, but it sounds so adorable! Also I really do hate to judge a book by its cover, but these are too sweet to pass up. Thanks for sharing :) I know some young girls who would love these!

    1. The covers are too freaking cute and they fit the theme for each one. I really recommend this for everyone - girls, boys, young, old.

  9. I have just started peppering in some MG to my reading, but I am not familiar with this series. I think I mostly remember the series my daughter read when she was younger, and other than Percy Jackson, I have not read any other MG series. This one looks adorable.

    1. it really is - I hope you give it a try Sam.

  10. This certainly looks like a cute series. I will have to check it out.

    1. It' such a cute series and Glady's is so huggable.

  11. Thank you for this recommendation! My son will be in MS next year so I need many recommendations! I think Wonder is my all-time MG favorite! I see you in the cosmos and A monster call were totally beautiful but also heartbreaking

    1. Thanks for the rec's. I haven't read any of those yet.

  12. I don't read middle grade much either, but I probably would've loved this growing up. It sounds super cute! :)

    1. I probably appreciate it more now since I'm more daring about food than I was as a kid lol

  13. Did you update your header? Obviously with the Easter theme, but it looks different besides that? I like it!

    Looks like a fun MG! My daughters are both reading Percy Jackson books right now, and loving them!

    1. Other than switching to Eater, it's the same. I even used the old one as my starting point. Thanks!

      I loved Percy!

  14. I don't read MG, either. PJO is my all-time favorite. All Four Stars looks so cute, though. I absolutely adore the cover art!!! <3

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I enjoyed Percy Jackson but I haven't read all the follow up/spin off books. Have you?

  15. Eventhough I don't read MG books a lot, I do love this genre. My all time favorite is the Harry Potter series and I guess I'll add Percy Jackson as well even though I'm still finishing it, I love Greek Mythology ;)

    The All Four Stars trilogy by Tara Dairman, hmmm, haven't heard of it but it sure sounds really cute. And those covers <3


    1. I like my romance so that leaves out MG lol but I do enjoy it once in awhile.

  16. What a festive header! I'm always on the lookout for fun and unique books to give to my granddaughter, so thanks for sharing these. Book choices sure have changed since I was a little girl. Happy Saturday and Hugs...RO

    1. Thanks - this is a great one to read with the kids too.

  17. I don't typically do younger leaning YA either but I've just finished binge reading the Percy Jackson series (thanks to the kiddo for that!) and loved it so will be moving on to Heroes of Olympus spin off next!

  18. I don't read books for the young grades, but I would say go with the classics like Little women, Little House on the Prairie, Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys.

  19. I haven't read much MG since the kids I was reading with got older, but I do remember loving the books we read as much as they did. This sounds fun!

  20. I've read Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo series by Obert Skye and enjoyed it. Rick Riordan books are good as well.

  21. I still haven't picked this series up Karen despite loving middle grade reads. Combining food with the fitness of a secretive little chef is a cuteness overload. Kids would absolutely love this series too, I'm always amazed how many kids love Masterchef and talk about it constantly with friends at school the next day. Will need to hunt the series down and soon! Thanks for sharing lovely <3

  22. Wow, this sounds absolutely adorable! I wish I could be a restaurant critic (i.e. eat a lot of food for work, lol).
