For What It's Worth

Friday, February 16, 2018

the friday five




Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency – BBC

From Wikipedia: “The show is based around the eccentric Dirk Gently (Samuel Barnett) who claims to be a "holistic detective", investigating obscure cases based on the inter-connectivity of all things. During the first season he befriends Todd Brotzman (Elijah Wood) and Farah Black (Jade Eshete) who help him with his cases. Dirk's past is linked with "Project Blackwing", a secret CIA project to evaluate subjects with strange abilities. Dirk is not only followed by agents of Blackwing trying to recapture him but also by Bart Curlish (Fiona Dourif), another Blackwing subject who considers herself a "holistic assassin" and believes she is destined to kill Dirk.”

I jumped in on S2 without watching the first but I’ve been able to figure out what’s going on pretty easily. Dirk is sort of a manic Doctor Who type (although a bit more bumbling than brilliant) with a fun Scooby gang as his sidekicks.

Diverse cast, funny and quirky.

It’s based on a series by Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
S1 is on Hulu



My friend Roberta from Offbeat YA had a good discussion post on her blog about commenting – what makes you comment or take a pass? Join the discussion bu following the link below!

From Comment-Ça-Va to No-Comment: When Does a Post Make You Talk?


Book Deals


Both of these books are only $1.99 on Amazon Kindle and Nook right now. They’ve been on my TBR list so I snapped them up!



We went to see AJR in concert this week. They’re an indie pop band and put on an amazing show. So much energy, audience interaction and just plain fun. One of the best shows I’ve seen in a while.


You didn’t think poor Fonzi would escape another holiday without me being a mean mom did you???



On the blog this week:

The All About Love Tag
Review: A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhethena
Review: Certain Dark things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


  1. HOW is Fonzi so patient?! My dogs would never... Lol!

    I loved Roberta's post on commenting! I was curious how everyone would respond. (She mentioned you in my DNF&Y post, too. You're quite popular with us. 😘)

    I have They Both Die at the End and I CANNOT WAIT to read it! I've heard such wonderful things! I still need Dear Martin.

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. All my shelties have been like that. lol They don't care what I do with them. I think they decided it's easier and goes faster if they just go along with it HAHAHA!

    2. And thank you both for the mentions! xoxo

  2. I feel like a star now LOL. Thank you!

    "Dirk is sort of a manic Doctor Who type (although a bit more bumbling than brilliant)".
    Ha! I hope I'll manage to see it one day, though it doesn't seem like the type of series our regular channels will ever show.

    1. It's only the 2 seasons. BBC didn't renew it. But I guess there are a few online petitions for Netflix to pick it up.

  3. Oh Fonzi!! How cute. I need to check out those deals for sure. Have a great weekend!

    1. There were some really good book deals this week!

  4. I thought the guy in the back was a zombie because of the coloring. I now see that it is not that type of show.

    1. There are weird things though so I wouldn't be surprised to see one at some point lol

      It's actually Elijah Wood

  5. I'm even having a hard time putting a leash to our not-so-little troublemaker how much more putting those hearts on, lol. And oh Fonzi, can I babysit him for a day?

    Vanessa @ Blushing Geek

  6. I love that picture of Fonzi so very much! My golden's would always let me do whatever but my hound is the complete opposite.

    1. All of my shelties have enjoyed dressing up or at the very least tolerated me lol

      You're dog is so funny in his disdain though lol

  7. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency sounds interesting but I wonder if the premise would become old quickly? Fonzi looks too cute, and very long-suffering, lol! :)

    1. It probably would. This is only 2 seasons though so I've been having fun with it. I don't usually stick with series long term for that reason.

      Yes, poor Fonzi lol

  8. Glad you had fun at the concert and snagged some great book deals! Lol your dog looks like he's thinking, "Ok did you get the picture? Can I take this off now?" XD

    1. Ha! Exactly. I took the picture in the kitchen close to dinner time and he's just like ...hurry up - get your pic and feed me lol

  9. Hooray for book deals! Both of those are on my TBR, so I'm curious to see what you think. And Fonzi is TOO cute! <3

    1. There were so many amazing book deals this past week!

  10. oh my goodness, the doggie tho <3 adorable!!

  11. Dirk Gently's looks fun. And yay for concerts- I don't go to that many anymore but I always love a great live show.

    Cute pic of Fonzi. :)

    1. We go to one every few months now. They help keep me young lol

  12. I'm not a TV watcher and don't often turn it on, but I have been tuning in to some of the Olympics coverage this week. Glad you mentioned the deal on the Silvera book! I've been wanting to read that one and now is the time to snatch it up. Fonzi is a cutie! :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I don't watch as much tv now as I used to but I always at least have it on for noise in the background.

      $2.99 is a GREAT deal! I couldn't resist.

  13. Fonzi is such a superstar, the patience that good boy has with your costumes is unreal. Ooh Dear Martin is one of my anticipated reads on my to read list as well, unfortunately the Kindle edition isn't available in Australia for some bizarre reason. Might try to swap my Kindle to the US. Wish me luck!

    1. He was not so thrilled with this one because it was close to his dinner time lol

      Oh good luck getting the book!

  14. I'm 1/2 way through S2. There was a bit of a learning curve since I didn't see S1 but we're enjoying it.

  15. I loved seeing that photo of Fonzi on your Instagram. He's so handsome!
    I don't think I've heard of Dirk Gently before but I will have to add it to our Netflix line-up and check it out this weekend. That is, if it's even available on Netflix. :\ LoL That might be a problem if it's not. HaHaa

    1. He's so tolerant of my shenanigans lol

      I don't think it's on Netflix but it's on Hulu. I recorded it when it was on BBC last year. I'm a little late getting to it ha!

  16. Fonzie is absolutely adorable! What a cutie pie. :)

    1. I have to say he wasn't too thrilled doing that one lol

      He usually doesn't care but it was too close to dinner time and he wanted to eat not be dressed like cupid lol

  17. Fonzi is so cute! Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency sounds really good. I will have to check it out.

    1. It's cute even though I was a bit confused having missed S1

  18. I have seen so many great book deals around as of late, I have so many books that I need to get through, that I've been trying to keep away as much as usual, but my library has a copy of They Both Die at the End, so I hope we both enjoy it when we give it a go. I hope you have a great week Karen! :)

    1. I think it was for Valentine's week! I couldn't keep up with all the amazing deals.

      Mine doesn't have any of Silvera's books so that's why I grabbed it.

  19. Such a cute picture of Fonzi! Gorgeous dog! Ad, I'll have to go check out your friends post about commenting. :)

    1. Thanks! he's a ham - even though he wasn't too thrilled with that one lol

  20. I haven't watched that show, but I've heard good things and I really do want to check it out. I don't have Hulu though...

    Love that song by AJR! That's awesome the show was so much fun. Always good to hear. :)

    Aw, poor Fonzi. He's a cutie though!


    1. This was S2 on BBC America. I know S1 is hulu but I have no idea where S2 is now lol

    2. And I know you go to concerts so if you ever get a chance to see AJR go! You would love them Lauren!

  21. Awww that puppy!! You're the best kind of mean mom! XD

  22. Puppy!!! That face. <3 And yay for good book deals!
