For What It's Worth

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

tell me something tuesday: looking back at 2017 goals

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Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

We’re kicking off 2018 (eep!) by looking back at how succesful we were at meeting our goals in 2017.

Goal check for 2017


I’m not big on setting goals or making resolutions but one thing I really wanted to do was to clear out my physical TBR pile. The majority of the books were from various book cons (ALA/BEA) dating all the way back to 2011 and I had about 15-20 that were current review books.

I started with 139 books and ended around 80-ish. I counted in 84 in October and then read a few more since then.


                      before                                                        after

That’s….okay. I would have liked to do better but it’s a more manageable pile so I’m mostly happy with how I did. And I’m totally caught up on review books!

I continued to keep Kindle downloads and Netgalley under tight control.

My Goodreads reading goal started at 75 and then I kept upping it – finishing the year with 209 books read! WOW! I haven’t read like that in YEARS! It wasn’t my plan to read that much and honestly, a lot of those were novellas.

I wanted to dabble in other genres and with audio books. That had mixed results. I discovered that audio books just aren’t for me. I can’t multi task while listening and if I sit still then I get distracted or fall asleep. It’s just easier and faster for me to physically read the book. I did discover a love of podcasts though so it’s still a win.

I wanted to read more thrillers/mysteries but only read one (Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig & I enjoyed it!) and give graphic novels a try and that went pretty well. I need to test my tastes with a few more – I’m trying Saga next but I think I’ll continue reading them.

As for blogging – I just wanted to hang in there for another year and I did. So yay! I found out that I don’t do well blogging way ahead. I end up feeling out of touch with the posts by the time it comes up. And I found when I’m bored I like to change my header/buttons and spend too much on digital clip art lol It’s probably annoying/confusing to you guys but I’ve embraced the whole – it’s my blog I do what I want/what works for me philosophy! When I worry about stats or to write posts specifically for views I lose all the joy of blogging. (P.S. That’s ME – you do you!!!! – no judgement!)

*Speaking of still here blogging – you can enter my 8 year blogiversary giveaway here



Working out/variety to my workouts. I follow along with Fit Readers – hosted by The Geeky Blogger and That’s What I’m Talking About. I love how low key they both are about this so it works for me. You can write a weekly post, just # tag it on social media, join the FB group or nothing. Any fitness level is welcome. I find the hashtags from other bloggers on twitter to be motivating and to give me a gentle reminder to get moving even if it’s just a walk around the block.

Word CloudLike I said, I don’t make resolutions – instead I chose a word to guide me through the year. I chose JOY for 2017 because I knew it was going to be one of those kinds of years where there’s lots of turmoil and negativity and it was! The word helped me remember that no matter how much chaos is going on in the world to take time and find joy. Past words have been disconnect, laugh, simplify. They tend to stick with me even after the year is over so this really works for me. I think I’m choosing a phrase for this year.


So that’s a wrap for 2017!

Next week is Goals for 2018!

How did you do with your goals in 2017?


  1. I like your header/button changes, do what makes you happy!! :)

    1. That's good to hear. I always think it must be annoying but when I didn't change for several months a few people asked me if something was wrong with me lol

  2. Amazing job with getting your TBR pile down and the number of books read!! Sorry audios didn't work for you!

    1. I might try again with audio this year. You never know! I would like to be down to about 50 physical books at a time. That seems reasonable.

  3. It took me like 3 years working down that evil TBR until I was down to 15 which now might be more like 25 ;) But you can do it!

    And yay for hanging in there

    1. I'm ok with up to 50. I read fast so that's a manageable amount. I know I'll never have zero!

  4. I'm pretty good at clearing at physical books (because they stare at me from my bookshelves and I can't stand it), but my kindle is such a mess still.


    I want to read more thrillers too, let's hold ourselves accountable! Have you read anything by Karin Slaughter? I've heard good things about her books.

    1. See, I get totally overwhelmed by that many books staring back at me. I completely shut down and ignore them lol

      I worked on my Kindle books a few years ago. I don't download many and tend to read as I get them. I think I have under 30 on there.

      I've only read the one thriller. I have Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine and that's supposed to be very good too.

  5. Happy New Year, Karen!

    Looking to put a dent on my review pile that was leftover from last year in the beginning of 2018. I wish you the best of luck but it looks like you're already winning the battle.

    1. It's a never ending battle though right??? lol

  6. Great goals you have for the year!!I am actually not participating in any challenges except for the ones I am hosting. I just want to relax with my reading and I do have some projects for my blogs that I want to work on more. And just being healthier and more fit this year. Healthy body, healthy mind healthy spirit right? I just am always happier when I take care health wise.

    Good luck and hope you year in 2018 is FANTASTIC

    1. I'm mostly laid back about goals. They feel too restricting to me but clearing out some of those books was beginning to be a necessity. I ran out of room lol

  7. 2017 was the year when we swapped bodies. You were taking mini-hiatuses while I was writing all the posts...wait, WHAT? what posts? The whole 36 of them LOL.

    You rebel. I'm sure you read 209 books just to shame that "little" number you had set as a goal in the beginning! LOL.

    Have a great 2018, and just keep being there and being you and changing headers 😉. I would feel much more lonely if you weren't blogging. Not to mention, basically commenting on ALL my posts (seriously, THANK YOU!).

    1. Nah - I never know what my reading will be like from year to year. I was reading A LOT after my first few years of blogging and set high goals but then had a huge slump so now I start lower and adjust.

      I think this year will be lower because I'm going to try to go outside my comfort zone and I tend to read slower when that happens. But who knows?? I AM A REBEL lol

      I'm in a really good place with blogging right now,. I'm happy going my own pace and doing my own thing so yay for us still existing! lol

  8. There is a few in my TBR I don't think I'll ever get to and might just donate.

    1. I did that too. It's better to pass them on to someone who will enjoy them.

  9. This goes to show me that its an evolution when it comes to how we discover just the right spot. Neat how you tweaked things around over this past year to find the best fit for you and your blogging and reading. I agree that you have to do you with a blog and can't stress about what others are doing or expecting.
    Way to go putting a dent in your reading pile and your review books. I need to be like you with the stiff block on piling on more books.

    The Fit Readers Challenge sounds great. Cheering you on.

    Happy New Year, Karen!

    1. Yes. We don't all blog the same way so it's not one size fits all. I was blogged ahead for several weeks and I hated it! lol I tend to forget books and reviews as soon as I'm done so that far ahead and I have a difficult time being able to discuss it. *getting old* lol

      I've gotten pretty good dealing with my review requests. Most of this is from years before when I was less disciplined. Live and learn!

  10. Getting rid of 50-something books sounds like you did good to me! I can't listen to audiobooks either. Glad you're enjoying graphic novels though! And yep, it is your blog, so you should do what you want :-) Glad you're still around the blogosphere!

    1. It's taking a lot of tweaking but I think I've finally found what works for me :-)

  11. I'm also a last-minute blogger. Once in a while I will stockpile a few reviews if I know I'm going to be busy, but I also like to be more spontaneous. I did set a GR goal of maybe 120 and think that could be achievable. I like having the goal just as a motivator. Not sure how this year will go reading-wise but we will see!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. A week or two ahead is ok. I got a month ahead once this year and I felt so out of touch with my own blog lol

      I can never tell how my reading will go. I read fast, but there are so many other factors.

  12. Happy new year Karen darling! Over two hundred books, you're reading like a fiend! That's a massive achievement in itself my friend. My goals this year are personal rather than reading or blogging. I never typically set blogging goals because I like to blog randomly, keeps it interesting. This year I will finish landscaping my garden, learn how to concrete and concrete a slab ready for a shed and regrout my tiles. Boring stuff really.

    1. I'm kind of shocked by how much I read. I really struggled the past few years.

      I'm a random blogger too. I just want to read my physical TBR pile and keep blogging - however that may look.

      That's not boring! Gardening more was one of my goals last year. I used to love it until blogging took over my life lol

  13. Reading 50 books is awesome, Karen. I didn’t reach my goal but I’m happy with what I accomplished. The fact that I still enjoy blogging after one year is a great accomplishment for me. You have run this blog for 8 years and it is a milestone, hon. Very few people can say the same. Be proud of yourself. Anyway, i’m not good with blog ahead too. I’ve tried since last year but failed. I’m a mood reader. Picking a book to read next takes time for me. It might be the factor it didn’t work.

    Anyway, love your new header. It shows your personality. It’s what makes you, you. It’s gorgeous. ❤️😁👍🏻
    I enjoy making graphic for my instagram now. It used to be a burden. LOL. It’s fun.

    1. It is! So many people go into it not realizing how all consuming it can be and then lose the joy. I'm glad that hasn't happened to you but just from things you've said in the past - I can see that you've adapted when you started getting stressed about things.

  14. One of my resolutions is to finally finish reading all of the physical books on my shelves. I've *almost* accomplished this goal! I think there are 20-25 books I haven't read that I've had forever (like you, a lot are ALA/BEA from WAY back when). I'm trying to make sure I stay on top of my NetGalley reads, because I was awful about that last time. So far so good!

    I know it's only January 3rd, but I've been consistently working out since Christmas! It's hard to squeeze it in, but I've been making myself even if it's 11:30 at night.

    Yay for 209 books! I had to set my goal to 250 for 2018 since I read so many comics. I wanted to be able to include those in my overall goal.

    I'm so happy you're here and sharing your thoughts on books! 😘

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. This is mine too! I still have books from our ALA trip in TX. That's ridiculous!

      I read so fast but it's mostly whatever is new. I'm an impulse one-clicker lol I keep up to date with them which is good but that means not reading what I already have.

      I'm glad you're back!

  15. If changing your blog up makes you happy then do it. I don't think I've changed much on mine since I made it. lol

    1. lol Everything is good if it works for you!

      Trying to please other people just leads to burnout and fatigue.

  16. That's a great attitude for the new year. I'm pretty much doing the same. No Netgalley, no challenges, no stress. I wish us both well :)

  17. 209 books is amazing!
    100% agree with you on audiobooks... I could have written your audiobooks paragraph I agree with it so completely, lol. I just cant make them work for me.
    It's your blog, do as you want to and bah to whats expected. It's the only way to stay sane.
    Happy New Year!

    1. It really is. I have a lot of fun playing with the clip art even if it's not professional looking. It makes me happy and keeps me engaged with the blog.

  18. Woah, that's an awesome number of books read last year! go you. and I think you got rid of quite a few physical ARCs so that's awesome. I'm hoping to focus more on the books I already own this year and not take on as many review books. Granted, I'd been at book conventions the last two years and none this year so that will help!

    Yay for still blogging. I'd be really sad if you stopped.


    1. Book cons are the devil lol I love them but man they can send your reading into total chaos!

  19. I can't listen to audio books either for the same reasons. Plus there's just something about holding a book in my hands that makes reading more enjoyable.

    1. I get SO distracted! Even driving I'm like...oh look at that tree...anything but listen to the book lol

  20. Love love love this. Especially the bit about you doing what YOU LIKE on YOUR BLOG. That's what it's all about anyway, right? I feel like... we all fall prey to wanting to up our pageviews or get more sponsors or peeping what works for other people, and to some extent that's all well and good, but if we aren't being authentic with ourselves.... well, what's the point, right? Love this place you've carved for yourself here and I hope you have the bestest New Year ever :) Also, damn! That's an incredible amount of books you read! Awesome stuff, girl! I can't do audiobooks either, and always want to get back into podcasts. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I don't even look at my stats anymore unless I have to.

      I agree with you about being authentic. I think your voice is all you have in blogging to make you stand out and people can tell when it's fake or centered to get more views. I prefer the type of followers I get when I'm doing my own thing anyway. It may be less overall but we chat and interact more.

  21. I don't do resolutions either and I like it better that way. :) Glad you're doing what makes you happy on the blog. And 209 books! Wow that's pretty awesome.

    I can't do audiobooks either but I do like podcasts, every once in a while I find a good one and those are fun to listen to.

    1. This is the first year in a long time that I felt happy about blogging. I was just hanging in there the past few years.

      I really enjoy podcasts! I didn't' even realize there were so many out there!

  22. Wow, congrats on 8 years of blogging and reading so many books this past year! I'm the same as you with audio-books, so I definitely just stick to reading books instead of listening to them.

  23. I'd say that's some pretty good progress on your print to read pile. Doing a great job there. I'm with ya on keeping NG tightly controlled. Whew!

    1. I've always been pretty good about Netgalley but now I have the two book rule. It keeps me on track and makes me think twice about if I really want to request something.

  24. Me too. It's either bend over backwards trying to attain some weird goal and burnout or be happy with your hobby. I chose the latter.

  25. I have to do something mindless while listening to an audiobook, like cleaning the house or doing my makeup. It does mean that it takes me ages to finish one, though! I did alright with my goals in 2017, but this year I've really gotta crack down on my physical TBR pile. For some reason these days I tend to read Kindle deals rather than books I actually paid good money for. So strange!

  26. I choose little one to help accomplish the big ones. I have 3 simple goals of education, exercise and read my scriptures more. I liked to keep it simple :) congrats on getting the TBR down low.

  27. 209 books! Holy cow. I am so impressed with those who can read like that! Great year.

  28. Same, audio book are not for me, I can't even listen to a page without getting distracted. I really like actually reading the words, there's nothing like it tbh..
