But Fate has other plans, and it's not long before Min and Cal meet again. Soon, they're dealing with a jealous ex-boyfriend, Krispy Kreme donuts, a determined psychologist, chaos theory, a freakishly intelligent cat, Chicken Marsala, and more risky propositions than either of them ever dreamed of. Including the biggest gamble of all--true love.
Goodreads | Source: Purchased (Publish date: August 2004)
I LOVED this book! Like really, really, want to read it again, loved it. It had everything I want in a good romance/chick-lit novel – especially smart characters and witty banter.
Their chemistry is off the charts but Minerva and Cal do not fall in love at first sight. They don’t even like each other but Fate keeps throwing them together again and again and watching these two unwittingly fall in love was just perfect.
Cal has a reputation as a womanizer while Min, an insurance actuary, measures risks vs benefits even in her personal life and has her shields up full force against him. After all their random meetings they always leave it with a – well it was interesting, you’re a jerk, I need to get away from you now, have a nice life. Yet they always end up thrown back together.
The conflict comes mostly from their ex’s and well meaning friends and I wanted to strangle everyone at a few points but again – it was ok - because although they were annoying, Cal and Min are stronger than that and make their own choices. It’s so well done!
Both Cal and Min’s family are pieces of work. Especially Min’s mom who is constantly berating her about her weight. Cal handles this beautifully and reading about Min with Cal’s sweet nephew, Harry made me all soft and mushy inside.
Despite meddling ex’s, disapproving friends and family this story never delves into wacky, unbelievable territory and that’s because both Min and Cal are so sincere. Even though they met under dubious circumstances, Min has a great practical attitude about the whole thing and it’s fun to watch Cal go down hard when he least suspects it.
The ending was of the fairytale, sugarcoated variety but I adored it. I got so attached to everyone that I wanted them to all have their own books. Since this isn’t a series - a where are they now type ending was perfection.
I’m sure I could find something to nitpick about it but I’m not going to rain on my parade and pick the book apart just for a review. This was a truly FUN reading experience.
Has anyone read anything else by this author? Any recommendations?
Read it like... sure maybe almost 10 years ago. I remember, nothing, so can't say more
ReplyDeleteI read it years ago Karen and really enjoyed it! Glad you did too :)
ReplyDeleteI just recently reread this and it was even funnier the second time around. One of my all-time best romances! I'd recommend just about anything by Jennifer Crusie. I really enjoyed Crazy For You, although it has a stalker subplot that is a bit over the top. I also recently read Agnes and The Hitman and the plot was a bit convoluted, but the characters were so funny.
ReplyDeleteI read this author before blogging and I loved it. It's been a while since I did read her though..she did remind me of Meg Cabot :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a book that's always been on my radar but I've yet to read it or buy it! Don't know why! It sounds so good! I love witty banter and exes interfering (don't know why, but I do)! Thanks for reminding me I need to get this one NOW, Karen. :D No more putting it off.
ReplyDeleteWhen you love a book sometimes its best that you just gloss over the negative aspects because I mean really, what's the point? Your followers only need to know that they should read your recommendations ASAP. :)
ReplyDeleteCarmel @ Rabid Reads
Sometimes I so need a book like this. A book is for enjoyment so who cares about the neg aspects especially when it satisfies you so well. Oh I so need to try this one for myself!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so good and I love reading about a heroine who isn't a size two.....
ReplyDeleteKate @ Ex Libris
No, I haven't read anything by this author, but I do like the sound of the contlict and what it adds to the story
ReplyDeleteI own this book and I swear I thought I'd read it but now reading your details I couldn't remember any of that. Maybe I was totally confused and never really did. Just one among many sitting on the shelf then lol.