Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about topics that are unique to us. Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions.
Just keep it respectful - no bashing authors or other bloggers! If you want to participate just grab our button and include it in your post with a link to either Midnyte Reader or For What It's Worth. We will be providing a linky at the end of our posts so people can "hop" to see all the participants answers.
Vlogging. Have you ever vlogged (video blogging)? Why or why not? What do think makes for an interesting vlog? How does a book review vlog compare to a written review in your opinion? What are few of your favorite book review/author vlogs? (Source: Amy Bookworm)
I have never and will never vlog. I won’t even let anyone take a picture of me never mind do a video. ON PURPOSE lol
I’m just way too self conscious of my looks (I think I resemble a zombie on film) / my voice sounds sort of like a shy, fast talking mouse when I'm nervous to ever do that. I also just don’t like vlogs all that much to be honest.
For the few authors/reviewers vlogs that I do like – I guess the key is humor and getting a sense of their personality.
I always enjoy author Myra McEntire’s vlogs. She’s hilarious when she vlogs. Of course there’s John Green’s Vlog Brothers videos which are enjoyable because they’re fun yet educational. I don’t watch them too often but I think it’s a great use of modern technology/networking.
As for bloggers, I watch a few book haul vlogs but that’s about it. Enthusiasm is what I look for. I'm not a fan of a really long vlog that doesn't express have any personality
I would imagine that a vlog review could be more personal. You would really be able to tell the reader’s enthusiasm level more whereas a written review can come out flat sounding or even rambling when there is no context to go by.
So, unfortunately I don’t watch enough to have a good answer for this one but I’m curious to see what other people have to say. They are growing in popularity so I guess there are people who really enjoy them.
This will be our last Book Blogger Confessions. I want to thank everyone who has participated. I’ve loved the interactions and conversations we’ve been able to have about things that stress us poor...poor bloggers out lol
When my (former) BBC co-host Tiger Holland and I started the meme, everyone was kind of afraid to say out loud that there was a downside to blogging. Or even admit that we were overwhelmed. It was something you “confessed” privately in emails only with close friends.
I’ve noticed a huge, and welcome, change this past year where we feel free to express our feelings publicly and write posts about it on our blogs. So to put it simply…Book Blogger Confessions as a meme doesn’t really seem as necessary anymore.
I think I’ve read at least 10 blogger confessions type posts in the last week alone so everyone is already doing it on their own.
The other reason, and I guess my last official Book Blogger Confession, is that I’m still in a bit of a blogging slump myself. I will probably do some kind of venting posts on occasion and I would REALLY love to do something with my current BBC co-host Pam again. She’s become such a good friend and has always been there as a sounding board with blogging and in my real life for non blogging issues. Love you Pam {{tackle hug}}
Thank you to all who have participated and offered topic ideas. I love a good bookish discussion and I got quite a bit of inspiration from all of your posts.
Can't believe this is the last one! The main thing was, for Book Blogger Confessions, you thought about things others hadn't. It was a meme where I really liked hearing people's opinions as we'd discuss the same topic. And it wasn't necessarily everywhere- people share thoughts on a variety of things, I suppose. Hyped things often get more of a mention :/ Anyway, you know I loved joining in when I could! I'll miss you :'( Thanks for doing my topic & sharing your thoughts! Personality in everything is important but your points about how they come across are really golden. I probably would come across as rambly in either? Hope my post has done Book Blogger Confessions justice, I had no idea it'd be the last! :O
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point Amy. Being able to discuss the same topic together did make this meme a little different.
DeleteI'm glad you enjoyed participating :-)
As for vlogging I can't imagine that I would be worth watching lol I'm sure I would ramble and worse giggle - which I do when I'm nervous. It would jus the an awful thing to behold!
Running a meme is SUCH a hard thing! Especially something like BBC, since you have to come up with a new and interesting topic each time. Maybe you'll keep it as an infrequent post? Either way, I've enjoyed reading them!
ReplyDeleteAs for vlogging...no way in hell am I ever doing that. I do NOT like to have my picture taken either and seeing my face on a vlog...no. Just...no. But yay to those who do it! More power to 'em. I love John Green and his brother's vlog -- their's is the best ever.
It really is! I feel like everyone has talked about the same things already but I'm glad people felt like this was a little different than the other features out there. We had a nice little group and I've made a lot of new friends from it.
DeleteI may come back to it at some point...maybe in a new way. I don't know...I still like to vent lol
Vlogging...Yeah - I don't want my face anywhere either!
I don't and I do not Watch them cos the thing is that I do a million things while blogging, liek Watch my shows, so that would take away precious time
ReplyDeleteAw, I'll miss this meme, but thanks for hosting it!
ReplyDeleteVlogs. I'm with you all the way. I fully support other people who want to do them, but it's just not for me. I watch them once in a while, but I'd much rather read a post.
I think you would be a great vlogger Jen!
DeleteI'm like you...not a fan of my face posted on the net, and definitely not at ease with being the focus of someone's attention. You might think that as a radio personality (even if in a little private station) I should be more confident, but I'm not. Talking is my strong suit...as long as no one can see me doing that ;).
ReplyDeleteAs far as vlogs go, I've never followed any of them. Of course, English is not my mother tongue, so I would probably need subtitles most of the times ;P - but the real reason is...I'm not interested. I only worship the written word. I don't even like book trailers LOL.
And now...onto your unexpected announcement. I understand your point, and even if the reasons you stated weren't enough, we would have covered every point about blogging eventually - very soon, maybe. Still I'm sad to see BBC go. It was my very first meme (though I missed some of its rounds), and besides, like Amy, I loved that it was about us, not a mere display of books to come (or books we got). Being a newbie blogger, I did learn a lot through BBC. I met my first blogger friends and followers thanks to it. And I loved that it was tranquil, relaxing - a small bunch of us chatting about our stuff, without the pressure of visiting hundreds of blogs and maybe leaving meaningless comments for the sake of it, because time was tight. BBC will always hold a special place in my heart. Thanks to you and Tiger for creating this meme, to you and Pam for hosting it and welcoming me into it. I'm sure the two of you will come up with some amazing new idea one day...and I will be happy to be part of it again!
A group hug to everyone who participated in BBC, too. Such nice people!
It really makes me happy that you guys loved that it was a smaller meme and made connections. that's what I always loved about it too. It was never our intent to make it a huge thing that people felt pressured to participate in.
DeleteIn addition to the reasons I stated, my other, more personal reason for passing up BBC at this time is that my father is very ill. Between just my general bogging slump and the pressures of that - I just need to let some things go.
Maybe at some point when I'm feeling better about blogging I'll pick it back up in some form.
@Karen, Roberta & Mary: Would I be able to, maybe, do a Book Blogger Confessions rewind now & again, probably for ones I didn't discuss but that you did & also sometimes it'll be a new discussion topic. I know it doesn't sound like it as a 'rewind' but oh well. I'm not bringing it back as a meme as it probably won't be as organized... I'm just using it as I liked it & hoping to connect if any of you want to share your thoughts on my topics too or just hear my discussions as I ramble on? Sound good?
Delete@ Karen: I'm so sorry to hear that. I noticed your lack of posts, but I thought you were enjoying the pleasures of summer, or simply feeling lazy (still in regard to the warm season)...because I've been largely absent myself these days, what with the unbereably hot climate and me being a bit tired mentally. So, well...what can I say...{hugs}
Delete@ Amy: it does! :D
Aww, Karen maybe you would get used to being filmed after a bit! Well, I probably shouldn't talk because I'm still pretty self-conscious after a few tries. I'm the same as you in that I absolutely hate getting my picture taken (I'm the least photogenic person ever), but I find it's easier when it's a video of me (unless you take screen captures of me, lol). But yeah, the best thing is to be enthusiastic and show your personality and I don't always feel comfortable or in the mood to do that, which is why I vlog so rarely. But I still love watching them.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that this will be your last post for this feature of yours! But you're right, it is definitely in mode these days to discuss blogging and reading confessions. You set the trend!
Aw, this makes me sad Karen. I really enjoyed this meme, and appreciate that you gave bloggers a place to voice their opinions. And I loved that you always stressed no bashing. I always love reading your opinions.
I tend not to watch many vlogs...simply because I just don't have the time. Usually when visiting new blogs I'll watch one if they have one just to get a feel for the blogger, but I genarlly won't watch going forward. the exception is bookshelf tours. I am addicted to seeing other peoples shelves (and homes) in any fashion that I can. I've considered making a vlog or two but never have for fear that I'd be boring...and I look like a ghost on film! lol
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear this is the last one. I've been enjoying these on your blog.
ReplyDeleteAs for vlogging. No. I would "um." everyone to death. You know... um... when I ... um... had to ... um... :D So don't want to bore the hell out of everyone. LOL I did make one of one of my dogs for doggy week, but only my disembodied voice was there. :D
Exactly!! I would keep saying um...and...uh...and giggle despite that I'm not a giggler. I do it when I get nervous though.
DeleteI think my dog would be better at it than me lol
:( Bye bye Confessions! It's a shame but I can also see what you mean - bloggers are hanging their dirty laundry out all over the place these days ;-). Thanks for hosting ladies, it's been a blast.
ReplyDeleteNow, Karen - you should try vlogging just once - I never thought I'd do it either and I HATE watching myself back. Just do a 30-second one - I also sit further back from the camera if I feel blah ;-)
Yeah- at a certain point it feels like we're all complaining lol I do think that this (& your's and Smash's Let's Talk) did a good job of keeping it informative and supportive.
DeleteI've never seen your vlogs...I would probably hide behind a book or something . An air of mystery lol
Well I am sad to see this meme end. Even though I couldn't always participate because of slumps I enjoyed it very much when I did so thank-you darling for creating it and hosting it ^_^.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of vlogging but it's too much work to be honest. Not only thinking of what you want to say and how to best say it so that you are interesting but then all the editing you need to do afterwards. Also dearie, I've met you and you do not look like a zombie in the slightest. You are actually quite adorable.
I don't watch a lot of blogs but I do love watching Jackson Pearce's youtube vids. She's quite funny.
She does do fun vlogs.
DeleteI have enough problems with a written post - I can't even imagine the angina from trying to make videos lol
I am sad as well to see Blogger Confessions come to an end. I have enjoyed participating in this one quite a lot.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to the slump--I think it is natural to go through them. Take care and I hope to see you around still. :)
Happy Reading!
Thank you so much Stephanie. I may bring it back in some way.
DeleteIt's weird but as soon as this went up I thought of topics I wanted to discuss lol
I don't really like vlogs to be honest, mainly because I can't turn on the sound when I'm on the computer (due to family in the room) and I don't have headphones on hand. Therefore, when I randomly come across a vlog, I often can't watch it right away and then I just never get to it.
ReplyDeleteI always say I want to properly vlog but I don't know how to make my videos pretty, haha. I like short vlogs from people with personality! If I see a vlog is long, I usually don't click unless I'm really close friends with them or they're that entertaining.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Short and sweet with personality is the way to go. It doesn't have to be professional or perfect IMO
DeleteI consider myself very lucky that I have one or two pictures of you, lol. I'm the same way. I really don't like to have my picture taken though I try to be a good sport. That's why I take pictures, so I don't have to be in them. I think if you're uncomfortable then there is no reason to do a vlog. I wanted to try it to see if it would be any easier. I can see someone's enthusiasm being a huge positive in a vlog.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this meme as well and yes, what I liked was the intimate circle we had/have. What I liked *most* was doing this project with you and getting to be good friends.
I'm shedding so many tears. The last Book Blogger Confessions. I can't believe it.
ReplyDeleteBtw, I have a picture of you...and a creepy one of Kevin. :-P
sheds a tear because this is going away. I loved that the topics were about anything and everything. it was great to find new blogs and make new friends.
Oh no, the last bbc??? waaaahhh!! it's totally ok though, I completely understand :)
ReplyDeleteYour post cracked me up even though I am sure that your thoughts about your camera presence are totally wrong!