Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about topics that are unique to us. Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions.
Just keep it respectful - no bashing authors or other bloggers! If you want to participate just grab our button and include it in your post with a link to either Midnyte Reader or For What It's Worth. We will be providing a linky at the end of our posts so people can "hop" to see all the participants answers.
Question: How long do you see yourself blogging for? Do you think it's ok for a blog to evolve over time? For example: You may have started out as a book review blog but now your interest is in cooking as well. Do you incorporate that or start over?
As long as it stays fun. I expect to last at least this year and maybe next. Then I’ll have to reassess. I’m not sure what the blog will look like at that stage.
I still love to read but I’m reading more books for fun now because reviewing sucked the joy out of it for me. So that obviously makes for less scheduled posts and reviews.
There might be more personal posts, definitely more music, maybe more movie reviews. I don’t really know but I’m just going to go where the blog takes me.
I think my blog name and description is fairly neutral and can carry over to whatever I blog about in the future. Oddly enough, I never meant For What It’s Worth to be a book review blog. It was supposed to be about a little bit of everything. I do want to simplify my design. It feels too book-ish to me right now even though I love my header.
I noticed that a lot of bloggers are burning out and I would much rather they blog about what they love – even if that means less reviews – than quit blogging all together. I love book reviews but I follow blogs more because of their voice so it wouldn’t matter to me what they were blogging about (within reason of course).
We have an extra Monday this month and thought we’d address some hot topics in the book blogosphere. Pick one – or answer them all! It’s up to you. If a new crisis hits by then (& it probably will lol) feel free to address that as well.
PLEASE remember that this meme is to vent NOT bash. Keep it civil please & thank you

~Amazon buys Goodreads (Find the announcement here) DO you think this is a good thing for readers – or is Amazon the devil? Will this move effect you? Will you be leaving Goodreads?
~ The death of Google Reader As Google continues to phase out it’s less popular products, bloggers were scrambling to find a new reader platform to follow their favorite blogs. What have you switched to for a reader?
The big fear though is the loss of Google Friends Connect. How are you preparing if indeed GFC is discontinued? How many subscriber options are too many to offer your followers? What ones are the most popular on your blog?
~ What do we owe authors? I read this interesting post the other day. An author had tweeted that if you get all your books from the library it deprives an author of income, another suggested using this fun little graphic to help readers spread the word about a book they love.
What are your thoughts on this? Do they have a point? Do they go too far in expecting readers to only buy their books at indie bookstores, avoid Amazon or expecting readers to go forth and publicize their book after a purchase?
I have been doing the book blog for 5 years and had no idea I would be around that long. I do manage to keep it fun and I learned a few years ago not to bog myself down with "have-to's". I don't know how long I will be around and just kind of take it day by day.
ReplyDeleteGreat attitude! That's where I'm at right now. I just stopped worrying about it and I'm loving it again.
DeleteI would hate to see you leave blogging...unless I was leaving at the same time, lol. I think that reassessing is actually a good idea. I really never schedule any posts or reviews (except for this meme)...just for that reason, once something becomes a committment, it just changes it. I love the idea of just seeing where blogging takes you. I agree with you re: your last paragraph...I've made wonderful friends and I want to know what they're doing and what they're up to and what makes them happy, not just what books they're reading.
ReplyDeleteI also really like what Felicia said about taking it day by day.
I love the way you blog. It's so relaxed and I can tell that whatever you post about is because it's something you enjoy. That's the one thing I look for in a blog/blogger even if we don't' read the same types of books.
DeleteI like what you said about bloggers taking on more personality than just blogging about books then getting burned out. Reviewing does take the fun out, sometimes, and I feel incredibly pressured when reading a book and then not feeling the need to review it. Sometimes, I just don't have anything to say! And when I feel that way, days/weeks go by without a peep from me because I slightly feel like I'm failing.
ReplyDeleteI rarely take review requests anymore. It sucked all the joy out to look at books so analytically. Although i still enjoy it - I just balance it better now.
DeleteIt's pretty scary to let those days go by - the fear of every follower abandoning you sets in lol But I took months off last year and it was ok. People understand.
Definitely agree. Even though I haven't been reviewing for long I can feel the burn already taking place. I find myself mostly on just reading others' blogs now days, they're very fascinating you know.
ReplyDeleteDon't let it happen!! Take some time for *fun* reading. I hope you make it through - believe me...we've all been through it!
DeleteI find it so sad when they burn out :/ But what do do about it? I guess my way is not to take it too seriously. And when I read then I read, I do not think about reviewing it later. Cos I want to continue doing this
ReplyDeleteFor some reason it seems like there is this sense that we have to blog a certain way or you're a failure. Everyone wants something different out of it and we all have to do what's right for ourselves and out blog.
DeleteI really like your plan and I think that's the right attitude. I hate to see people leave blogging too which is why I think you should blog about whatever you want. :)
ReplyDeleteI almost threw in the towel. But why does it have to be 7days a week or nothing? It doesn't. My page views and followers may go down but that's not why I started the blog so now I just do what feels right for me.
Deleteraises hand about being burned out ...but that's why I am taking a long break lol . I understand that blogs change over time :) I know mine did
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your break!
DeleteI've been struggling with reviews too, which means I have way fewer posts now. I just can't bring myself to write them. I would love reading movie or music reviews from you! I agree that I'd rather see the same people blogging about different stuff than see them quit altogether. This is giving me lots to think about!
ReplyDeleteI wish people didn't feel the need to be super blogger or nothing. I get it because I've struggled with it myself. I still get a little twitchy if I don't have even one review for the upcoming week but I'm learning to let it go.
DeleteI hope we don't lose too many more bloggers this year. It's sad.
I love that more book bloggers are branching out and giving us extra content.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the blogger behind the blog.
You are have one of the funniest Twitter accounts I know of. Something tells me you're naturally funny and will have no problem adding extra stuff. I can't wait!
As for the topic of what we owe authors, I say - we're doing what we can already. We spread the word. That hopefully results in sales.
As for RSS, I've finally fallen in like with Feedly. He's winning me over slowly. Occasionally, I still cheat on him with Google Reader. It's just that Google Reader and I have been together for so long. ;)
I agree. Let's face it - we're all reviewing the same books for the most part. It's nice to maybe take a break front hat.
DeleteYour blog has been a big influence on me recently. I love how you post when you want but take a break when you need to. Your non bookish posts are just as great and always make me smile. That's what blogging should be about.
As usual, you come across as an insightful person. And I was looking again at your impressive number of followers...you are what I call an established blogger...but still you manage to take the time to read and comment what the others have to say - like, little me *grins sheepishly*. Anyway, it's great that you aren't burnt out, and your page could sure translate into something wider than "mere" book reviews without missing a beat, even at this stage.
ReplyDelete#'s don't mean much. Honestly a lot of that is from giveaways.
DeleteFor me the best part of blogging is connecting with other people. I have met the most amazing people through blogging!
I think our hobbies fluctuate over time. I barely even read before blogging. I was a TV addict but now I barely watch TV. lol I'm sure my blog will evolve and I hope people stick with me because I enjoy blogging overall.
Great post! I wholeheartedly agree about not letting it become an obligation. I want it to be fun first and more most. I agree about the reviews. I have books I want to read for myself, but I need to get through some review obligations first. Usually the books I review are ones I want to read but sometimes I am not in the mood to read them. Then, it becomes work instead of a joy.
ReplyDeleteI'm a new participant and here is My Blogger Confession. Happy Reading!
I cut way back on requests. I can't seem to read on command lol
Delete"For as long as it stays fun" applies to me, too. I've seen a lot of bloggers get burned out too, and I can't blame them. I like your saying that they should blog about what makes them happy instead of just disappearing altogether, though. I think we're going to try to write more discussion posts more regularly, since that always flows so much easier than reviews. Thanks for the thoughtful discussion, as always Karen!
ReplyDeleteWendy @ The Midnight Garden
I would hate to lose any more bloggers. It's such hard work and you don't realize that going in.
DeleteI think it's fine to take a break or change your style if that's what keeps it interesting and fresh for bloggers. It should be fun.
I don't know how long I'll be doing it, but it wasn't intended to go this long. :) It was supposed to be a painting site, but turned into a book review site due to extenuating factors. Still, I do think I'll eventually go for that art site. Eventually. LOL
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting. Quite a few people mentioned (including myself) that they didn't start out as a book blog.
DeletePainting is quite different from book reviewing lol
I agree! I am always reassessing. I have met so many wonderful people -- including you, Karen *virtual bear hug* and when I get annoyed or discouraged I try to remember that. So far I'm still enjoying it. But it's SO MUCH WORK. The minute I stop enjoying it, I'm out.
ReplyDeleteLove the future topics :)
The people I've met have made the whole thing worth while. It is hard work though. I am backing down some though. I needed a breather lol
DeleteI've noticed that a lot of bloggers are burning out too! It's SO EASY to get burnt out and I'm afraid for the day when I feel like it. I already have those days when I'm like bleehh but I don't want to give up blogging just yet. I know I will def do it for this year but not sure about the next. I'm so impressed with bloggers who maintain theirs for years!
ReplyDeleteLast week three bloggers either quit or announced that they will be posting less. I'm starting to take more breaks from both reading and blogging. i found that it helps me come back refreshed. I think that's the only way I'm going to be able to do this long term.
DeleteIt's hard though. I feel guilty if I don't have something scheduled for a week. *bites nails*
I reassess constantly. I feel like I put too much pressure on myself to be the best I can be, and it's only wearing me out quicker. I DID ask my sister to start contributing since she's picked up reading again, and that's been nice, though the pressure is still there since she's pretty new at this. And sometimes, I think about going back to just reading (and reviewing on Goodreads when I feel like it) so that I can read for pure enjoyment again. But I'm not ready to give up yet. I'm just about to celebrate two years with my blog, and it's seen some changes, but I think they're for the better. I don't have any idea how much longer I'll keep this up, though. My family says they miss me. :P
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