So #TeamKilt - we made it though the 24 hour #TeamKiltAThon that was the Summer YA Crush Tournament hosted by The YA Sisterhood.. We came blazing in on a wave of silly, fun and sexy plaid and sailed through the night as we passed into #TeamKiltAfterDark. (we also apparently now speak fluent #kilthashtag)
Now we could all be depressed that we didn't claim the BIG prize but honestly I don't see how we can look at this as anything other than a victory.
We were up against the very popular, very sexy Shadowhunter named Jace Wayland. That's an uphill battle at best.
But there was no stopping us #TeamKilt'ers! We banded together and made Zachary Team Kilt Tribute videos (Ficticious Delicious), hilarious #TeamKilt dancing videos by The Reading Housewives of Indiana & Books, Sweets, and Other Treats and wrote Vote for Zach poems (Erin @evstout) View all of them HERE at Ficticious Delicious's Team Kilt Hub.
Many bloggers pitched in with contests as incentives for voting for Zachary. We were seriously a force to be reckoned with!
All through the night we kept voting and pushing each other on. I went back through my Twitter stream and I just want to say THANK YOU everyone and I had so much FUN!
@FictishDelish @jsmithready @readingangel002 @jenduffey @eveningreen @FearofLung @madhousemirror @emberchyld @lindsiking @makeshiftjen @Twinklesmile023 @DBetweenthepages @samk52 @iokijo @MarrisaOdom @mistye_1 @tamsbookramble @hefollowedme @librarygalreads @GReads @1of2chicksonbooks @luarroyave @Kimberdee @mistye_1 @Twinklesmile023 @BooksOverBoys @Neri0724 @precious_shusky @LitzaLou @idabosita @manyoceans @cyntitefft @Ginger_Clark @ReadingWifeJac @arnoldjamie13 @IsaBookSoulmate @ZoeRainDasherBenji @SmashAttackAsh @Lena1xoxo @aprilmom00 @lindsiking @3fixedhearts @idabosita @jware29 @Brookeworm33 (<--the wifey) @keeley_logan
I know I missed a few people so give me a shout out in the comments if I did! I hardly recognize y'all anymore without your kilt avi's. LOL
All night I kept getting tweets and email from people saying they were inspired by the outpouring of support for Jeri and Zachary and that they had just ordered Shade to see what all this craziness was about and asking how they could help.
When 7am rolled around I started getting tweets from people *STUNNED* that not only had we made it through the night but we GAINED ground and were still wide awake (by that I mean just barely conscious). We made it past our goal of 20,000 votes and we get our TeamKiltCon meet up with Jeri in Minneapolis!
I just can't think of any other group of people who could have accomplished that much with that level of enthusiasm!
Congratulations to Team Jace - you are indeed YA Crush Worthy! And congratulations to author Cassandra Clare who rewarded her fans with one smoking hot club scene with Jace & Clary!! Whew!! Cold shower needed!
I just wanted to mention a few things before I go.
I had several giveaways for each voting goal met and here are a list of the winners:
For reaching 500 votes in the first hour - Jacinda won a Gerard Butler DVD and signed audio CD of Shift
1500 votes - Samantha won a Punk Hello Kitty and a signed Shade bookmark
3000 votes - Julie won a signed copy of Enthralled and a Keeley Brothers button
5000 votes - Sniffly Kitty won a signed copy of both Shade & Shift and Between by Cyndi Tefft (Thanks for donating the book Cyndi!)
7500 votes - Lynn Marie won my own personal ARC copy of SHINE
10,000 votes - Kelly B won a critique of a query letter by Jeri's Literary Agent Ginger Clark or a book from from Ginger's personal collection (Thank you Ginger!)
Twitter contests:
Signed Shift Audio CD MP3 - Brooke Reports
Women's Death Cab For Cutie T-Shirt - Melissa
Medium Death Cab For Cutie T-Shirt - Marissa
Thank you Jeri for donating several of those items to my giveaway!
Amy & Jen from Ficticious Delicious deserve a shout out so loud that it might shatter the computer screen. You took Zachary Moore from the bottom seed to the finals with an amazing amount of creativity and dedication!
Jeri - You know I love ya! And I am so obviously not alone. You make us laugh with your sense of humor, you make us cry (SOB - BAWL - DROWN in TEARS) with your beautiful writing and you were right there with us every step of the way. You are generous in so many ways. With your time, with your characters, in the way you always connect all that you do to helping others. I have said this before but you are truly inspiring to me.
Charity! In Rounds 3 and 4 of the YA Crush Tournament, Team Kilt raised $450 and $770(+20 pounds) for the Tartan Army Childrens Charity, a group that helps needy children in Scotland and in other countries where the national football (soccer) side (team) supporters (fans) travel to support their boys.
For the finals pledges have reached $275.00! There is still time to donate - check out Jeri's fundraising pledge post here.
Someone asked me to put a linky up for Team Kilt contest winners posts. If you held a giveaway and posted the winner either link it below or just tweet me (@teamsheltie) and I'll do it for you. Some people lost track of all the giveaways & wanted a central location to find the results.
SHINE is up for pre-order now! As a reward for all of you guys who were part of this incredible team, I'm going to giveaway one copy of Shine from Constellation Books - a small indie bookstore in Jeri's neck of the woods - MD. The book will be personalized to you and shipped once it comes out in 5/2012!
To enter leave a comment with a highlight or your favorite moment from #TeamKilt mania. Don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you - email or Twitter handle.
I'll pick a winner Saturday 8/20!
It was great to meet so many of you!
See you next year?
The winner of SHINE is Daisy!
Hi! :) Great giveaway, I'm entering, but before I wanna say I was a part of #TeamKilt too - tamsbookramble on twitter :)
ReplyDeleteNow, the best part were, of course, the people. I mean, damn, you guys rock sooo much! :D
I made a few very awesome friends! And I loved how we all united and worked together! So much power! :)
Edit, oh my name is there, I missed it! :)
This is an amazing post!
ReplyDeleteI miss #TeamKilt; I had so much fun! My most favorite part of the tourney or that match was seeing everyone's amazing twitter avatars and the poems for everyone! That was awesome1 :)
SO, SO, SO, SOOOO many people on twitter got involved and it became so much more than just a tourney - it brought lots and lots of people together! We shall get together again when the next tourney comes around and be a force to be reckoned with...AGAIN! ;)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Twitter: BooksOverBoys
What was the best part?! Would it be cheating to say the entire experience was the best part? :) But seriously, I enjoyed every minute of the #TeamKilt madness! The enthusiasm and camaraderie were contagious. Zach had the BEST advocates in Fictitious Delicious. Jeri is one of the best, most dedicated & accessible authors ever. The insanity, generosity and all around awesomeness of every #TeamKilt member was nothing short of epic. And another wonderful thing about #TeamKilt? We are STILL close to one another! I mean, how often does that really happen, ladies? This whole experience was fantastic and I can't wait to see what's to come.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway & remember, #TeamKilt ROCKS!
aahh look I'm there, on the twitter mentions! You missed a letter on my twitter handle, "O" but wohoo, *running, throwing confetti in the air* and now I hit against the wall...ouch!
ReplyDeleteNow onto the best part, everything was so much fun! It cracks me up...especially the "I want to see what is under the kilt" everyone came up with a different line regarding this matter.
And the other team makes me laugh too "Don't let the guy in a skirt win!" hahaha
And you are right, Jeri is THE best and I'm sure her books too.
This was so much fun and I had a great time following all the antics on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI held a bookmark giveaway but my winners won't be announced until tomorrow or Monday... I'll try and remember to come back and link up the post. =)
Thanks for all the great giveaways!
Oh, of course the chica's were the best part, and Jeri, and maybe...the chat with Zach and Logan and the fact that so many ladies are excited for Zach's 18th birthday...I mean, just to bake a cake or something. Yeah, that's it. I had a blast staying up and being a part of it. Even though he beat me in the beginning as St. Clair's advocate. I still love him. Melissa from Twitter: 3fixedhearts
ReplyDeleteI had so much fun with #TeamKilt. I miss all of the plaid and kilt avatars on my twitter. My favorite moment was hitting 20,000 votes. It brought tears to my eyes (although it could have been from lack of sleep because it was so late/early). Jeri is the best and the girls from Ficticious Delicious are amazing!
I really do not have a specific moment that was my fave for the whole #TeamKilt-a-thon rampage. It was just the whole event. I personally am just starting The Mortal Instrument series simply because of the Crush Tourney so I had no idea the HUGE following Jace Wayland had. Zach was certainly an underdog in this craziness, but we seriously kicked bootay! We should all be proud to be such awesome #TeamKilt fans to put up such a good fight with such a loved opponent. Jace killed each of his competitors coming through he tournament, but Zachary Moore's fans kept him in the fight straight up to the end. Amazing...
I loved being a part of #teamkilt-though I'm not listed above- @librarygalreads - My favourite part was hitting those big goals- the 10,000 and then the 20,000 it was amazing to watch those numbers come up- I kept refreshing the site. I also loved the interaction with the other #teamkilt members and Jeri of course!
ReplyDeletelibrarygal at hotmail dot com
The people and hilarious posts were by far the best part! The goals were amazing and accomplished!!! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom
ReplyDeleteIt was a blast to be part of such a great bunch of dedicated peps! Next time, I'll have to make sure I'm not on holidays so I can do more though. Besides the big goals we blew past, my favorite was the kilt avatars :D
ReplyDeleteHi, Karen!
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be entered into the contest, but I do want to comment and say THANK YOU SO MUCH for all you do for Team Kilt! This was certainly a group effort and we're grateful for you! I'm also quite grateful for the, um, man art you've included in your post. ;)
Can't wait to meet you at Team Kilt Con!
Love you, dear! You and all your kilters. I was only awake for half of this stuff, so I had no idea of the scope. Everything deserves massive props for supporting Jeri so well. :-)
ReplyDeleteFor your future Twitter icons, you could combine your support of Team Kilt and your love of Hello Kitty--just find a cat in tartan and you have "Hello Kilt-y". Yeah, I spend my spare time thinking of these atrocious puns.
so it was great and all you guys were awesome! The best part for me was that jeri was right there with all of us and that we didn't give up even till the last vote! I really miss all the fun tweets and it's weird not putting #TeamKilt in every tweet..lol! So I'll say it again #TeamKilt FOREVER!! Thanks so much!! Btw I'm jessica!
ReplyDeleteo my twitter is @jware29 ! :)
ReplyDeleteNot entering the contest but I wanted to say what a lovely summation post! You rock :)
What was there not to love about the 24 hour Kilt-A-Thon we had going! Every time we hit one of our goals I wanted to run around the computer room screaming because we always were hitting what seemed like impossible milestones. However, #TeamKilt made it happen.
Best part? "Meeting" all of the #TeamKilt-ers and sharing our love for the series, Zach, and especially Jeri!
Oh! And I was surprised about the shirt. @.@
Twitter: @MarissaOdom
Dang. I'm missing #TeamKilt again after reading this post. I'm still recovering from all the mania, hell, my sleeping pattern is still a mess, but I gotta say, I'LL DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN (to the infinity power!).
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is just so fun and you guys just made it way beyond amazing. With all that kilt avis (and same here, I can't recognize everyone anymore without their HOT Kilted man pics. LOL), rhymes (which were all hilarious) and just sharing all the Zach lovin' with you guys, is all so awesome. I'm so glad I've got the chance to be a part of that.
And who would have thought we will also make Cassie Clare (Not Jace, because I know Jace will never doubt his hotness. Ahahaha!) sweat? Yeah, we brought it. And we brought it HARD. I rarely cry (Yes, I think I can count in my fingers the times I cried in my life), but that tourney just punched a cry-all-you-can button on my tear glands. (So now I'll include my toes in counting)
Gah, Okay. I'm rambling now. So favorite part? Easy. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. and whenever Jeri replies to my tweets (I'm like fangirling everytime. LOL.)
And it pains me that I can't attend the #TeamKiltCon(Why am I at the other end of the world? WHY?) . And as much as I want to fly to MN (from the Philippines) and meet you all personally because that would've been awesomesauce, what can a 17 year old lass do?
I just want to thank you for being such amazing people that you all are. And of course Jeri, YOU ARE THE BEST. I still can't believe you reply to me. LOL.
Much love! <3 #TeamKiltForLife #moore2012 >:)
- @idabosita (Just followed everyone of you listed here. :) )
I had a lot of fun just TRYING to beat out Jace. Maybe next year!!
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
I had so much fun that day/night! :) I loved seeing Jeri interacting so much with everyone! She is amazing! I love the scavenger hunts Fictitious Delicious did! I loved when everyone started posting kilt avatars! And, of course, I loved when we hit 20,000 votes! I can't wait for #TeamKiltCon! :)
My favorite part of TEAM KILT was Jeri's pump up posts. She inspired us and I will never stop loving Zach :) We never stopped fighting :)
yessshhh *fist pump* i get my own special arrow! annnnd i get to be by Logan! <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeletethat is all.
The highlight? All the sexy men in kilts... I know you're all thinking it too! And the teaser scenes Jeri posted! OMG, so amazing!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the giveaway!
My favorite thing about #TeamKilt was seeing all the tweets supporting Zach. It was too fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
I had never used twitter in my whole life before the semi-finals.It was the first time,that I tweeted continuously and didn't sleep.We were a team.
It was so much fun.All the supporting and encouraging people to vote for Zach ! and I can never forget that tweet in which I said :
Screw Jace, lol :D
I had a blast! With the Author herself,the advocates and all the other members continuously supporting Zach ,I felt like I was the member of this family.
And I am glad I didn't choose Jace over Zach.I am so proud that I was a part of this Team ...#TeamKilt Forever...
Until next year then ..I am so going to miss you,the final,the team,the overwhelmed supporters,each and everything....
<3 Love you all..
Ifrah Kamil
Twitter Id : @Twinklesmile023
E-mail Id: Starlight023@hotmail.com
My favorite part wasn't one moment, but all the friendships made and strengthened.
ReplyDeleteWriting is a lonely business. I spent most of Summer 2010 holed up in my basement, honing every moment of SHIFT and wondering if it would ever be good enough. For someone who spends 90% of her life in imaginary worlds, you've made me feel like I'm part of something real. I will never forget that as long as I live.
Next year? Oh. Hell. YES. I say, bring Jace back! Team Kilt can take him.
I am crashing hard from the high of being part of #TeamKilt and the massive frenzy of kilted fanaticism that was this tourney!
ReplyDeleteConnecting with people who love the series, love hunky Scots, love YA, love Twitter... I could go on and on. It was the most fun I've ever had on Twitter (which is saying something, since I am becoming an addict!) and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
I love Scotland, I love Jeri's books and I love all of my peeps in #TeamKilt! *fist pump*
cynditefft [at] gmail . com
twitter: @cynditefft
You missed me ;) I'm @emberchyld
ReplyDeleteThe best part about teamkilt? Definitely the camraderie, the comments and jokes that had me laughing out loud at work. Twitter is just so lonely without all of the kilt-y goodness!
I can't wait for the winter tourney!
Karen, you are amazing, and I am SO making a tiny kilt and putting it on Hello Kitty for you! And then make 100 more so you know how much we LOOOVE you! (Oh, wait, but maybe you already have one?lol) You better start saving your pennies for Minneapolis!
Team Kilt is so devoted!
ReplyDeleteWhat up Team Sheltie!!! I can't tell you how much I enjoy being a part of #TeamKilt and I just LOVE the Shade series, I mean WOW! I had so much fun and have made some new twitter friends (including yourself) that I adore. I loved everyone's encouragement tweets to vote for Zach. After hours was hilarious. You and Brooke's bantering was hilarious. When Z and L made an appearance, I was all like SQUEEE! I've already ordered my copy of Shine (& Enthralled) from Constellation Books, so I'm not entering this contest. I just wanted to send my thanks for everything you've done during the #YATourney.
ReplyDelete#TeamKilt was very fun! I can't wait to read Shade & Shift, which are on their way to my house now :) (at least I think). I definitely found a ton of new blogs to follow and books to read through the Tourney, and I'm so glad about that.
ReplyDeleteJess @ The Midnight Bookworm
Email: midnightbookworm@live.com
Twitter: @BookwormLove
It was all a blast!! My favorite part was just the crazy fun tweet and the hot, hot kilt pics ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd sad face :( I'm not there!!!! (PS, I may disown you for forgetting me and you can no longer look up my kilt!)
dukesangel0002 AT yahoo DOT com
My fav part of the tourney was just being able to give back to Jeri. She gives so much to her fans and this was a way to show her how much we love her! Also, she's not on Wikipedia yet, anyone want to help me set up a page for her? My Twitter is @madhousemirror. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy name's not on the list but I was a part of #TeamKilt too and I had a lot of fun during the final round of the tourney. I loved everyone's excitement and spirit especially when goals were met, it's great everyone had a fun time.
My name's not on the list either, but I was part of #TeamKilt! I had so much fun! It was great seeing everyone so excited about the books and the characters! <3
ReplyDeleteEmail: midgetpirateninja @ gmail.com
Twitter: @FearofLung
The best part was the insanity of it all and how it made such a difference. I don't think there would have been near as many votes for TeamKilt if it hadn't been for You and Jerri's antics. You kept us entertained and made it fun to be insane with you! I can't wait for the next one!