Join me today in welcoming Teresa Frohock on her One Question Blog Tour for Miserere: An Autumn Tale - Night Shade Books (July 1, 2011)

When Lucian refuses to help his sister, she imprisons and cripples him, but Lucian learns that Rachael, the lover he betrayed and abandoned in Hell, is dying from a demonic possession. Determined to rescue Rachael from the demon he unleashed on her soul, Lucian flees his sister, but Catarina's wrath isn’t so easy to escape. In the end, she will force him once more to choose between losing Rachael or opening the Hell Gates so the Fallen's hordes may overrun Earth, their last obstacle before reaching Heaven's Gates.
On to the one question part of the tour!
Karen: "What is your idea of the perfect day?"
It would be a Saturday in the fall or winter. My husband and I like to ride around and visit the flea market. We usually have lunch somewhere and prowl our favorite stores. Then we go home and do a little yard work or cleaning, have a light dinner. I read or write while he watches TV. My daughter always shares a little of her day with us and sometimes we talk about our stories, because she writes too.
My perfect day includes at least one ah-ha moment where I connect with a character or a scene. I love watching a story come together. It’s like working a great puzzle to make all the pieces meet and fit.
At the end of the day (since this is a really, really perfect day), we all watch a movie together. My husband is beside me, my daughter puts herself in charge of the remote, and my cat cuddles in my lap.
What about you? What is your idea of the perfect day?

More about the author:
Raised in a small town, Teresa Frohock learned to escape to other worlds through the fiction collection of her local library. She eventually moved away from Reidsville and lived in Virginia and South Carolina before returning to North Carolina, where she currently resides with her husband and daughter.
Teresa has long been accused of telling stories, which is a southern colloquialism for lying. Miserere: An Autumn Tale is her debut novel.
Teresa can be found most often at her blog and website. Every now and then, she heads over to Tumblr and sends out Dark Thoughts, links to movies and reviews that catch her eye. You can also follow Teresa on Twitter and join her author page on Facebook .
Thank you Teresa! Be sure to catch the next stop of the tour at My Bookish Ways where Kristen will be interviewing Theresa.
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