
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

tell me something tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

For the month of October she has fun Halloween themed questions so go check out her blog for upcoming topics.


Would you rather time travel or teleport?

The ability to time travel sounds really cool but eh – watching people fuck up humanity over and over would wear thin and I know we’re not perfect in this time but I’d rather be here now with all our modern conveniences. Unless I could alter it - but that causes a whole host of other problems, which is why we have the saying “With great power comes great responsibility” hehe.

Now teleportation sounds cool. Just zip, zip to wherever you want to go and you could visit the whole world (and eat all the food!) very easily!

I’m just hoping you don’t feel scrambled when it’s happening though because I would have to waste most of my travel time recovering from nausea lol

This kind of circles back to last weeks question – What would your paranormal gift be? I picked invisibility because I didn’t want to repeat my answer knowing teleportation was this weeks topic but it was a tie so between the two  and I want to be an invisible teleporter! lol

What about you? Would you rather witness great moments in history or travel at the speed of light?


  1. Yeah teleportation! I swear I seriously always wanted that power. I even had a whole conversation with a friend once about how that would work, what happen if you teleported into a wall, etc. lol. But for this question, even if I didn't want that ability so badly, I'd pick it anyway since I have a thing about time travel. I don't like it, even fictionally.

    1. I'm choosing teleportation under the assumption that all the kinks have been worked out lol I think that would be the best thing ever!

      I'm not a fan of time travel stuff either.

  2. My other post was meant to go up today and now I am too tired to write a tsmt. Sigh, next week!

    Time travel! I want to check out the past. The future would be too scary. But then teleport would be cool, but today's world is getting scary too

    1. Hopefully the future gets better but who knows? I definitely wouldn't want to go back in time though.

      You could make sure you only teleport to fun things! lol

  3. Quote:
    "and you could visit the whole world (and eat all the food!) very easily!"
    I wish I could be surprised 🙄😄.

    Um, I do suffer from motion sickness...maybe I should rethink my answer...

    You're so greedy LOL. An invisible teleporter? That's CHEATING big time 😂.

    1. I'm REALLY hoping you don't get nauseous. I get woozy watching roller coasters on tv lol

  4. Oh, I hope it doesn't come with nausea. That would be awful. I'd totally choose teleportation too though! I could travel SO easily!


  5. For me, I am not about witnessing great moments in history, I would love to just revisit an afternoon with my mom or my grandparents. However, Teleporting is so darn handy. Hard to choose.

    1. I didn't even think of that. I was thinking more going waaaay back. I have such a limited imagination lol

      That's a great reason though.

  6. Replies
    1. Whoop! I hope we don't all go to the same place hehe

  7. I would be pleased to have either. I do get what you've pointed out about the complications, but I'm soooo curious about how some world events really went down. But to go anywhere I want in an instant... tough choice.

  8. First of all, i love the new spooky banner on your blog :) Adorable!

    I think I'd rather teleport like you, too. Though there are so many moments in my life that I'd love to return to... some great memories that I'd like to relive, if only for a moment. Then again, being able to snap fingers and end up in faraway lands is pretty damn amazing, too :) Great post!

  9. Time traveling would be great but nah, I'm not usually a history junkie so I'll pass. Plus, it's going to be hard controlling myself on changing the pass lol. And teleporting, you don't need to ask me twice, I'll absolutely go for it. As a nomad wannabe, having such a power would be a dream come true. My, imagine how much money I could save for the transportation lol, hehe.

    Vanessa @ Blushing Geek

  10. I’d like either one but w/ time travel you could be the ultimate historian. And I’d like to see stuff like how the pyramids were built. Or to visit family members, like Heidi said. But...teleportation would be awesome, no question! Wanna go to Paris? Blink! There u are. So yeah maybe teleportation lol ��

  11. Butterfly effect... no thanks... but avoiding the TSA? I'm in! Teleportation is for me! :D

  12. I think time travel would get complicated. There are so many rules and guidelines (unless you intentionally want screw up the world as we know it). Teleportation would be awesome! I could go to the beach, hike in the forest, climb snowy mountains--all in the same day!

  13. It's just too tempting to want to change the past but then what consequences would that have right? I missed last week's question but I would have picked telekinesis, the ability to move things with my mind. I've always wanted to have that power since I first saw Jean Grey do it in the X-Men cartoons as a kid.

  14. Time travel does have a whole heap of drawbacks. I mean, I'm a history graduate and I would love to go back and just see how things were and experience history but the temptation to change it would be too strong. Like, there would be so much to see and it would be so cool but it could go horribly wrong in so many ways. Teleportation doesn't seem to have any negatives. Although, how far could I teleport? Like, if it was only to places I could see or had been that would be a bit annoying, you'd only have to pay for a one way ticket on holiday until you'd travelled the world... but it would still be expensive. Great, for book shopping, though. Book not released in your country? No problem, I'll teleport to a county it has been published in and pick me up a copy with no shipping charges.

  15. Yeah, I'd be all over teleporting (once someone else tries it first and makes sure it's safe lol) so I could pop down and see family any time. That would be great :)
