
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

tell me something tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

For the month of October she has fun Halloween themed questions so go check out her blog for upcoming topics.

If you could have any paranormal gift what would it be?

I was struggling to think up all the possible paranormal gifts that I could have and found a website to help me at least narrow it down.

I know I wouldn’t want to be an empath or precog. Those seem awful. Feeling everyone’s emotions or seeing the future must be physically and emotionally draining.

Regeneration is interesting for obvious reasons and shapeshifting would be kind of cool but I think I would get bored with it and not have much use for it in my life.

I’m very tempted by mind control lol But would I use it for good or end up thinking I know better than everyone else and become a super villain?? Yes, I think I would.

The other gift that tempts me is invisibility. I could use it to travel around yet not have to talk to everyone and remain my anti social self. I could check up on people who I think are lying and call them out. I think I have super villain tendencies. 😈

I talked to Kevin about this question and he wants mind control AND telekinesis. Se he can bend everyone to his will and toss them out of the way lol

This seems like one of those questions that I’ll come up with way better answers once I post – so I’d love to hear what your paranormal gift would be. Or name a few that I might not have thought of.

*Note: Teleportation is a gift I would like but that's part of next weeks TMST question so I decided to leave it out of this post.


  1. I want to fly! Does that count? I don't really care about the how...I could turn into a dragon, grow giant butterfly wings, use Pixie Dust--it doesn't matter to me. :)

    1. I think so!

      I thought of that one but I'm afraid of heights lol

  2. Ooh this is a hard question. I agree, being an empath would have it's benefits, and I love reading about empaths, but I think it would be terrible to have. I'm already easily affected by the emotions of others, so I can imagine how much worse it'd be if you actually had that as a power!

    I was going to say that up until a few years ago I would've chosen teleportation as my answer in an instant. I always wanted that power so badly. I'll have to see what you say about it next week lol. But now I'd maybe choose telekinesis?

    1. Teleportation is tie (or even my #1 pick) with invisibility but since it's next weeks question I didn't want to repeat myself lol

      I like reading about empaths too but to be one - nope.

  3. Hello, super villain! 😜 Well, anyway, Kevin seems to have an even darker side than you do...😂
    See Through Illusions would come so handy, wouldn't it? But I'm afraid it would drive me mad to realise the amount of lies people say (I often suspect they do, but since I don't have actual proofs, it doesn't count for much...). And if this gift came with a bell attached, I'm sure I'd hear it ring all the time when my boss talks to pretty much anyone 😂.
    I'd go for Teleportation (wait, are we actually AGREEING on something? LOL), but more of that next week in my TMST post...

    1. OMG we have a thing in common!!! lol

    2. And yes, Kevin has a way darker side than me. He also insisted he needed regeneration & telekinesis so he could heal from and kill the people who come after him once they find out he has mind control HAHAHAHA!

    3. He's written a whole book 😂.

  4. I would love to have invisibility power too, but since I was a kid I always like to have the ability to fly. I blame it to my obsession with the show Dragon Ball that I keep on watching when I was a kid hihi

    1. I did consider flying. I'm afraid of heights so I don't know. Would I get over it because I could fly? Or constantly be nauseous? I don't want to take that chance lol

  5. Invisibility would be my choice too, Karen. I didn't want to be immortal, it would be so lonely. Hehe ❤️😁

    1. I would only pick immortality with a lot of conditions so I'll skip that one.

  6. I think being able to be invisible would be quite handy - or flying!! I'd love to be able to apparate, like in the HP books.


  7. I've always liked invisibility. It's really hard to argue WHY I would like it - mostly just the freedom to go where I please? Though that doesn't sound like a very good reason. My husband wants to be Wolverine, though... so there's that?

  8. LOL. I would totally use mind control for evil

  9. Mind control o I could make my family behave during the holidays. lol

  10. I would want to teleport or be invisible for sure!

  11. You listed some great pnr gifts here, and I honestly would love to be able to teleport just about anywhere.

  12. I think I'd go with regenration/ super healing. We're all gonna get sick at some point, right? Shapeshifting would be awesome. And yeah, teleportation too. :)

  13. Bend everyone to his will and then toss them out of the way. That's brilliant!
    I'd love the ability to move objects with my mind too, sitting on the couch and if you're feeling thirsty, pow, instant floating drink. Cheaper than a butler.

  14. I would definitely have some fun with invisibility because I am so nosey, lol.

  15. OMG, what a great question! Is the ability to read minds an option? I feel like that would be an incredible gift to have though maybe not. My mind is already buzzing with enough thoughts :)

  16. Ability to heal. Myself and others. Either that or the ability to defy gravity. Think on it... no more bras! LOL

  17. Buahaha! You're right, just wanting and using the gifts could edge one into a supervillain. But, I guess I would like the gift of time travel. I'd probably misuse it, but it still fascinates me so I'm going with it. Though on migraine days, telekinesis sounds like a great tool to have. :)

  18. I would love the gift of teleportation, that way I can avoid delays that travelling entails.

  19. Wow, Kevin seems so nice....
    lol I think I'd take invisibility. And teleportation because I also hate traveling....
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen Ryland
