
Monday, May 22, 2017

monday musings…

Happy Monday everyone!


I don’t know if you follow me on, or use, Instgram (@teamsheltie) but I try to participate in #socksunday each week. My dog Fonzi usually joins but this week we had a photobomber and nothing went how it was supposed to. Fonzi got pushed out - books were sent flying lol Finally ended up with something decent and funny outtakes.


I’m attributing this to Figment thinking he is a delicate fucking flower! lol That boy is a handful and a half! Highest maintenance cat I’ve ever owned. He’s having dental surgery on Tuesday so please think good thoughts for my bratty boy.


download (11)I was on track with my 6 book TBR reading goal for May until I read a book for fun and it had a cliffhanger. Noooooo – so I had to pick up book #2 right away or else I could not go on! It sucked and put me in a bad mood and gah! Hate that.

Today I’m getting back to that pile and reading I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo. Sounds like just the book I need to get out of my pending slump.

Get Social!

get social event

Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup is hosting the Get Social Blogger Event from June 4-17th as a way to get to know other blogs/bloggers.

I know I’ve been struggling to find new ones to follow after the mass exodus of my favorite bloggers.

Sign up here!


From NOVL:
unnamed (1)Get ready for a bouquet of books, directly from us!

The May NOVLbox is curated by NOVL HQ, and it's full of spring-y, floral goodness, from dreamy romances with tulips on the cover to rose-covered school supplies perfect for your final days in the classroom.

Click here to enter


I’m thinking of joining in Tell Me Something Tuesday this week if I have time to draft something up for tomorrow’s question - What do you do when you hit a blogging wall?
So check back tomorrow and I may or may not have a new post
Smile with tongue out


  1. Your socks are so cute! And so is your cat lol. I hope his surgery goes well!

    1. It's his 2nd in 6 months. He's going to end up toothless lol

  2. I signed up for Get Social - there's hope I can manage it LOL. At least it doesn't involve actual posting. I don't need the added stress right now.

    I love Figment in the first pic. He's hilarious! Boo for yet another dental surgery, poor thing. No wonder he's cranky (well, more cranky than usual ;D). Sending good vibes!

    1. That's why I signed up. I've been trying to increase my commenting but writing up a lot of posts for one special event isn't my thing lol

  3. I was checking blogs I followed yesterday and so many were gone :/

    1. It's crazy how many people have quit and I'm not really into vlogging which seems to be where everyone is headed.

  4. Ah the cat bombed the photos! They are good at that kind of thing, I think they secretly enjoy annoying us!

    Good luck to him with his surgery...

    1. Thanks. He seriously loves annoying me lol

  5. Love the photos. I signed up for the get social blogger event. Looking to discover new to me bloggers.

    1. Great! I'm hoping to add a few to make up for all my faves leaving.

  6. I just signed up for the Get Social event. What a great idea!

    1. Anna hosts a lot of fun events to help connect bloggers. And most are very low key and not convoluted or too much work.

  7. I've been dying to have a cat eversince and yours is just the cutest. I'll be looking forward to your review of I Believe in a Thing Called Love :)

    1. He's so funny and HATES when I read lol

      I hope to read and review it by next week.

  8. I just love your Figment. His outtakes made me smile so hard on Instagram. Great socks, too!

    Thanks for sharing about Get Social!

    1. Thanks! And thanks to you I realized you can f bomb Instagram lol

  9. lol, Figment is adorable. I hope his surgery goes well on Thursday!

    1. Thank you. He managed to scratch the heck out of me this morning lol

  10. Love it, cat's so frequently shove themselves in when no one has asked for their presence and you are somehow always charmed by them. I think they know when you're attention is drifting from them and they will cause chaos to get it back. I love the socks, they are totally awesome I am very jealous.

    And isn't it the worst when you let yourself read something for fun and it ends up ruining your reading plans. Fingers crossed a slump doesn't happen a and Thing Called Love helps get you out of it.

    1. He hates when I read lol He rarely comes around for my book pictures though but he would NOT GO AWAY!

      The socks are from Blue Q and I Believe in a Thing Called Love is really cute so far.

  11. I signed up for the Social Blogger event too. I do have an Instagram account but I can't do anything with it because I don't have a phone. I only have a laptop and so I really don't use Instagram. Love the pictures though.

    1. That's great! I think it will be a fun event.

      Instagram always cheers me up with all the cute animals pictures :-))

  12. Those are some awesome socks! The cat is pretty awesome as well. I hope he does well with his dental surgery coming up. I will have to check out the Social Blogger event.

    1. He's so funny. Very clingy and bratty but adorable.

  13. Hahah! Pets are like kids in that way. :)

    Looking forward to your Tell Me Something Tuesday post. It sounds like a great feature.

    1. I've been reluctant to join features because they end up feeling like a chore but I used to host Book Blogger Confessions and this is kind of similar and a way to share the stresses.

  14. Oh, your cat! What a little troublemaker. I hope his doctor's visit goes well!!

    Ooh hopefully you can do Tell Me Something Tuesday. It's a good topic.

  15. What a cute, adorable cat!! I hope his doctor's visit goes well. 😘
    I've joined The Social Book Blogger. Glad to hear that you have too. I've met lots of incredible bloggers. They're so kind. 😁

    1. He scratched the heck out of me this morning lol

      Yay! I'm glad you joined in. I would miss blogging terribly if I left. I made so many good friends from it.

  16. It is sad about how many blogs disappear. Love the sock pics and your kitty is adorable! LOL om the series binge! Hope your week is delightful.

    1. We've lost so many! I am finding more lately though so that's been fun.

  17. Look at that, I need new blogs to follow as well!

  18. Great socks, adorbs cat. Good luck to the fluffy boy during his surgery! I Believe in a Thing Called Love looks so freakin' cute - I hope it pulls you out of your slump. Surprisingly I've been pretty good about hopping around to new (to me) blogs this year, but I might have to check out the social blogging event anyway!
